Mate, I come from a religious background so it is very fucking hard to change my ways. Currently I do have a secular outlook on life, but I haven't completely given up my roots. I truly believe that there is a grander purpose to this insufferable life which primarily consists of eating, shitting, and murdering your fellow man. There's something fucking more to it aye? I've also been at the center of moments that can not be scientifically explained and are too fucking coincidental to be deemed anything but spiritual. My religious view began in my childhood growing up which was far from peachy. My mother was a God damn pcp addict, my Uncle was addicted to Heroine, my father was behind bars for multiple thefts, and my grand parents who raised me barely had enough money to feed me pinto beans to get through the fucking day. I turned to this "imaginary" God for support during these rough times. And truth be told, whether it be a state of spirituality or euphoria is iirevelant, this belief system helped me carry on. Needless to say, I feel a sense of loyalty to it. God I'm getting drunk so please excuse my rambling. Moral of the story is this. If I believe in God and you don't who gives a shit? I sure don't! I'm not a fundamentalist Christian twat whose life goal is to save souls. I'm living this life for my own personal enjoyment and enlightenment. Whether I see an incandescent tunnel moments after my demise is moot.
Speaking of which, I have a co-worker who I'd consider a great fucking human being who witnessed just that upon crashing his automobile in to a wall at the age of 25. From that day forward his life changed forever. Shrug it off as an unconscious dream state, but fuck I don't think everyone who has experienced such a phenomena is mad.
There's something more to this life than happenstance. If I didn't believe this I'd bust a Michael Douglas and go ape shit on the world don't ye know?!?!
This beer is divine. <```` Try debunking that!