how come this?, na na na na, how come that? would you do this?, why would you do that? na na nah nah nah, so would you? why do you? na na na na, fuck off? ah ok why wont you fuck off? would you?
Cos I find it sad to see, I know loads of girls like that. It seems they are going out of their way to go against mother nature. This is one case where traditional family values triumph over modern political correctness. Hail nans!Gronke said:So, why do you care to discuss it - if you don't get disturbed by it? I don't understand.
If some girls don't have a clue on how to cook, clean, take care of (their) babies... why should you care - unless it's your offspring?!
Strangelight said:Cos I find it sad to see, I know loads of girls like that. It seems they are going out of their way to go against mother nature. This is one case where traditional family values triumph over modern political correctness. Hail nans!
you're like a dog pissing against trees to mark his territory - if you don't like the thread there's no need to respondikeaboy said:fffffucfuck a little f f f f fat grr greeeek![]()
I agree with all that. The bottom line I think is I'm shit at sewing, even though Ive tried to do it, whereas my mum and sister are dead good at it. On the other hand I can do about 200 keepy-ups, whereas my sister would be lucky to do 2 or 3Gronke said:Well, the whole "burning bras" kind of deal is just old - and it's crap, as you say. Doing it the "other way", just because "they can" is just...![]()
Though, what has to be taken in account is that in our time, women are often aiming and working hard in the professional-life, and this will leave them less time / energy for doing the traditional "women's work" as you state. This is where it's a basic pillar to have both partners do 50 / 50.
If one part is idle, it's shit - no matter if it's the man nor the woman!
Gronke said:Well, the whole "burning bras" kind of deal is just old - and it's crap, as you say. Doing it the "other way", just because "they can" is just...![]()
Though, what has to be taken in account is that in our time, women are often aiming and working hard in the professional-life, and this will leave them less time / energy for doing the traditional "women's work" as you state. This is where it's a basic pillar to have both partners do 50 / 50.
If one part is idle, it's shit - no matter if it's the man nor the woman!
Alwin said:you're like a dog pissing against trees to mark his territory - if you don't like the thread there's no need to respond![]()
Strangelight said:I agree with all that. The bottom line I think is I'm shit at sewing, even though Ive tried to do it, whereas my mum and sister are dead good at it. On the other hand I can do about 200 keepy-ups, whereas my sister would be lucky to do 2 or 3
Seriously, I cant do with bone-idle mummys boys either
puffs in the army? you're kidding!!Gronke said:Did you do the military service? Up here in .se, the guys are taught how to fix their own clothes, put on badges and all that, and they are forced to do it *perfect* - a pretty un-expected place to get sewing-lessons!![]()
There are men that rules at sewing but sucks at what you talked about... sooo... :Smug:
Strangelight said:puffs in the army? you're kidding!!
yep, that's it!Gronke said:Though, what has to be taken in account is that in our time, women are often aiming and working hard in the professional-life, and this will leave them less time / energy for doing the traditional "women's work" as you state. This is where it's a basic pillar to have both partners do 50 / 50.
If one part is idle, it's shit - no matter if it's the man nor the woman!
Lord_Of_This_World said:not really,it's mostly down to our gender role models but thats not to say that we can't learn to adapt.I had to learn how to look after meself basically cause me ma was working when i needed stuff doing.
Now i have 3 kids of me own and i'm at home doing the wifey stuff.This is again out of neccesity due to the fact my missus can earn a fuck of a load more money than i can,again i've adapted from working in a factory doing heavy labour to being a house husband.Besides a real man should be able to look after himself,in every respect.