The good old days

Bambi said:
Its only light bloke werk but most berds make a mess of it and think they did a great job cos the paint stayed on the wall :cry:

This is so unjust! Why can't you tell it to my face that my painting sucks? :( And what about those legendary painting tips?

Knowledge is power. :cry:
I never learned to sow in the military, I took it all home for my grandma to do it, or made up some excuse to get it swapped at the depot.

I don't mind cooking, but usually I manage to spice up the food enough first time doing it for anyone that I won't be doing it again.

Pizza places not being able to cook properly is the real tragedy.

Damn, this thread was a boring read, any thoughts on the new R.E.M.?
tis boring indeed Allan, very fucking boring, eh dont ask me about new R.E.M., have no idea on that mate :D
Gronke said:
Ever lived on your own? Do you always eat out and / or let your mummy do your laundry?
yep i live with my parents, its not really very common to move out untill you marry if you are not gonna mary very late. when i am alone i cook for myself but most of the time eat out. ill try to avoid cooking or laundry as much as i can.
i quess the bottom line is, i do everything from sewing to cooking when i have to, but i honestly dont believe its really my job. when theres a woman around ill just help her out a little, i wont do as much as she does.
Gronke said:
Did you do the military service? Up here in .se, the guys are taught how to fix their own clothes, put on badges and all that, and they are forced to do it *perfect* - a pretty un-expected place to get sewing-lessons!

There are men that rules at sewing but sucks at what you talked about... sooo...
it's the same in every army, i think you were brainwashed by the swedish feministic propaganda :lol:
as far as i know women rule in your country, right? which speaks very bad about the men...
if my woman don't take care about cleaning and that kinda stuff why should i need her in the first place?? sex? it'll be cheaper for me to pay for this...
when i lived alone, i did the house cleaning once in a month, almost never cooked anything (eating ready food from the shop)... :) and everything was perfect!:D the perfect fucking misery!
so you split groceries and rent and all that stuff with the gal you live with, you get sex, what, one or twice a week?, and still you say it'd be cheaper for you to live on your own and just bone hookers? man you have some cheap sluts over there :lol:

with your way of thinkin I don't wonder why the house is empty now ;)
nah, it's not empty anymore :)
yes, the sluts here are pretty cheap, you can get a blowjob for 2-3 euro :)
Ivo said:
it's the same in every army, i think you were brainwashed by the swedish feministic propaganda :lol:
as far as i know women rule in your country, right? which speaks very bad about the men...

Well, I can't speak for all men , but I can speak for myself - and I do like things to be "equal", it makes me feel good.

Like it is now, women often gets less pay, just due to the fact that they are women - and this is not cool imo.

I find feminsts to be quite daft, to be honest - why not just drop that male-hostile approach and settle with the fact that there is no "gender war", only a wish for things to even out.

Ivo said:
if my woman don't take care about cleaning and that kinda stuff why should i need her in the first place?? sex? it'll be cheaper for me to pay for this...
when i lived alone, i did the house cleaning once in a month, almost never cooked anything (eating ready food from the shop)... :) and everything was perfect!:D the perfect fucking misery!

:tickled: Can't blame you for not having a good sense of humour!!!
I found this article quite appropriate

"to feminists, "equality" is not about equal opportunity or equal choices. Instead, feminists believe that 50% (at least) of all elected officials, 50% of all corporate CEOs, 50% of all Nobel prize winners, 50% of everything must be female. Anything short of that should be blamed on patriarchal oppression.

To achieve that goal, feminists must pretend that there are no biological or psychological differences between the sexes.

Think about it: If the Sisterhood admitted to the possibility of the maternal instinct, then it would have to agree that women might want to leave the workforce to nurture their offspring."
Who is arguing your point?

Quoting is just :ill: - it should be the best man / woman for the spot, nothing else.
If I say "music", do you all think of the same band?

Come on, feminism as such doesn't exist, there are feminisms, different kinds, just like political parties, and I couldn't even say they all want the same, liberation of women. It's all much more complicated and related to the political and economic systems in complex ways. Let's take our capitalist welfare societies, and it's still only the so-called western world (hell, I don't even know any more what that is), not including for example the Muslims, I know fuck about the everyday life of Muslim women. There are radical lesbian feminists all right, there are feminists who want to abolish marriage, there are Marxists who want to get rid of the family as it is today, some would pay a salary for domestic work too, some who believe in difference, others believe in sameness, but none of them can speak for me. One thing's true, there are inequalities at different levels.
One thing is sure: Marx would've twisted in his grave if he knew what his teachings were used for in the 20th century.