The good old days

Strangelight said:
At least Ive some humour in there, as well as the bare truth :Spin:
a beautiful combination seen more often on these forums ;)
Right now, my 3 songs have been downloaded 999 times in total. If you establish the 1000-th download, I will send you a free demo cd (24 minutes). The link is in my sig. Send a PM after the download. If the count is 1000, you'll get the cd. Go! :wave: (note: first pm + count on 1000 = winner)
Gronke said:
Man things? You are serious now?

So, a follow-up question; do you think that what you call man / woman-things is genetically inclined?

not really,it's mostly down to our gender role models but thats not to say that we can't learn to adapt.I had to learn how to look after meself basically cause me ma was working when i needed stuff doing.
Now i have 3 kids of me own and i'm at home doing the wifey stuff.This is again out of neccesity due to the fact my missus can earn a fuck of a load more money than i can,again i've adapted from working in a factory doing heavy labour to being a house husband.Besides a real man should be able to look after himself,in every respect.
i can't say a strict no to the question but i believe they're more socially inclined than genetically inclined. gender codes that erupted long long ago, persisted / got reinforced through history, defining what we should be as a man or a woman. yet the media today abuses these codes to the maximum.
Lord_Of_This_World said:
thats not to say women should'nt either.
pff everybody clean his/her own mess! what's there to argue about? it's utterly disgusting to have someone do your cleaning whilst you have the capability to do it on your own. it's like your mom wiping your ass at 15 years of age! :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:
Strangelight said:
Aye, equally as boring as you trying to e-impress all the girls with feminist sympathies. At least Ive some humour in there, as well as the bare truth :Spin:

Oh yeah, I try to impress... and all the girls too... you got it nailed.

It's hard to have a difference in opinion, I know.
A Leaf said:
pff everybody clean his/her own mess! what's there to argue about? it's utterly disgusting to have someone do your cleaning whilst you have the capability to do it on your own. it's like your mom wiping your ass at 15 years of age! :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

What i was saying is women should be able to look after themselves in every respect as well.
Lord_Of_This_World said:
What i was saying is women should be able to look after themselves in every respect as well.
sorry i wasn't giving those yucks to you. i shouldn't have quoted you. just the whole topic kinda made me ill.
Gronke said:
Oh yeah, I try to impress... and all the girls too... you got it nailed.

It's hard to have a difference in opinion, I know.
What is your opinion then? My main point really is that its natural for women to be able for cooking and cleaning. I didnt say they must do it exclusively, but its sad to see so many who cant even make oven chips or wash their own knickers. I also agree that men should capable as well, I'm not being sexist at all.
(though I thought the nappies bit would impress the girls :cry:)
hm you sounded a bit sexist at first when you said women should be good at women stuff and that you are good at men stuff! you see when you say something like that some may fail to understand that you mean men should be capable as well!
Strangelight said:
What is your opinion then? My main point really is that its natural for women to be able for cooking and cleaning. I didnt say they must do it exclusively, but its sad to see so many who cant even make oven chips or wash their own knickers. I also agree that men should capable as well, I'm not being sexist at all.
(though I thought the nappies bit would impress the girls :cry:)

What is missing in your argument is that you see genetic disposition instead of what really counts in this case, which is environment, and social expectations - which indeed can be packed into the environment-compartment.

PS. Impressed yet?
i wouldn't say its missing cause he completely rejects it as the lazy girl's excuse to get away!
A Leaf said:
i wouldn't say its missing cause he completely rejects it as the lazy girl's excuse to get away!

If the "man" is lazy, why shouldn't the woman be?

My point is that these things are individual, and that the general work done in the home should be split 50/50 as a basic rule - then what the details are, that is secondary.

I don't know if you ever worked in a project, but you don't get right into the details straight away - I believe it's the same in other levels of life.
Gronke said:
What is missing in your argument is that you see genetic disposition instead of what really counts in this case, which is environment, and social expectations - which indeed can be packed into the environment-compartment.

PS. Impressed yet?
The genetics being that women are child bearers and have a maternal instinct that men can't possibly have. Of course environment and social expectations are all part of it, but Im on about good old Mother Nature here. Im impressed with the italics though :wave: