The great and all powerful religion thread!

I remember those debates too; t'was hilarious in a horribly frightening way.

Anyone else here wonder what is going through uber fundy Rupert Murdoch's head right now? After buying Dow Jones (publishing company of the Wall Street Journal), it should be obvious that this is definitely a political and economic move - I just have no idea what will be gained and lost seeing I have not followed his tyrannical since a few months ago.

Should we expect another reliable source for news like Fox & friends?

There aren't any reliable sources for news in the US, not from the mainstream media anyway, their all under the control of corporations that have much better things to do than report the news.

I would think on the most basic level buying Dow Jones will increase RM's profits, but what I would be concerned with is how his editorial policies will influence economic decision making at every level.
I was listening to NPR today, and the guy being interviewed made an interesting point that Rupert Murdoch is a smart guy (whether you like him or not), and he probably won't fuck around with the Wall Street Journal too much because he just spent bajillion dollars on purchasing it...he doesn't want to lose the revenue from his purchase that quickly

infact, murdoch has called for 4 more pages of news for the WSJ. as to what kind of news will be in there, who knows. Obviously, Fox News sucks, but I hear he does own some reputable newspapers elsewhere in the world (Australia and Europe I think...can't remember)

edit: and what does this have to do with religion? :lol:
You only think you are right about religion or winning a argument.. but unless you have facts to back your argument like others have said then your argument is just a opinion... as for assholeness in a argument... we all are...

Thanks for reminding me how to make an argument, smartass. :Smug:

I didn't give examples of how I back my anti-religious arguments because I thought that the ease of arguing against a position that is inherently illogical and faith-based would be self-evident. If you really want to 'test' me or something, go ahead -- but don't assume that I don't know what I'm talking about just because I'm speaking in general terms.
Yea, I know what you mean. I kinda hate to do it, but I think it doesn't make as much sense when you reply to all the points in one big block. And, it has the potential to make you look as unorganized in your thought process as your opponent.

I used to get shit for doing the same thing so now I don't even bother... one liners are better if it gets the job done... as for your buddy Formiticable... he tends to get defensive if you turn things around on him... if you noticed... :Smug:
yeah you did do it wrong, hence why I edited your post. On the youtube address, all you do is copy the "zDHJ4ztnldQ" or whatever else may follow the equal signs...stick it between the youtube tags and you're done
Actually there are numerous hypotheses about the origin of life. Abiogenesis has also been experimentally proven. And again, even if science had no clue, that in no way suggests that Christianity or any religion is correct. The religious hypothesis of "God did it" has never had any supporting evidence, and therefore should not be considered plausible.

Can you point me in the direction of this experimental proof?

And the whole discussion of presenting intelligent design in the school systems as a theory, along side of evolution, really makes sense if you do not have an anti-creator agenda. It's just a theory that, based on the amazing complexity and balance we see in nature, it looks like someone planned it. The thing is, it really does look like it was planned. It really does work together like a system that was carefully planned and thought out. No, you can't prove it, but neither is evolution proved (on a level from non-life to humans). But evolutionists are unwilling to even consider the possibility, which in and of itself is unscientific.

EDIT: For a better refutation of the watchmaker argument which AchrisK invoked (he used a computer) try this link, although I think saying "the uneducated man" is unfair:

Thanks for this link. I am going to check it out.

Wow...I just noticed something. The URL for the above link includes a directory called "nogod". That is just...pathetic.
And the whole discussion of presenting intelligent design in the school systems as a theory, along side of evolution, really makes sense if you do not have an anti-creator agenda. It's just a theory that, based on the amazing complexity and balance we see in nature, it looks like someone planned it. The thing is, it really does look like it was planned. It really does work together like a system that was carefully planned and thought out. No, you can't prove it, but neither is evolution proved (on a level from non-life to humans). But evolutionists are unwilling to even consider the possibility, which in and of itself is unscientific.

Actually, it doesn't seem like it's planned. There are lots of flaws and things that just don't make sense that really don't do justice to the first half of the term "intelligent design." If it was all "designed," it could have been done a hell of a lot better. Intelligent design should not be taught in schools because it is in no way scientific whatsoever and is not even quantifiable by any means. It is merely a statement of a hypothesis, and the proof of the hypothesis is essentially the hypothesis itself. Life was intelligently designed and I know this because it kind of looks that way if you don't look into the details? Does that really sound like it belongs in a science class?
Yes. i would rather live in a ruthless free thinking world than a peaceful brainwashed one.

This is the same argument as to whether you would rather be ignorant and happy or Wise/knowing and unhappy.

This is also a good argument for the existence of a loving God, despite the tragedies and struggles that exist, and for heaven and hell. Do we want to truly be valued as individuals and have our choices respected? Or would we prefer to be robots that can only make the choices we are told to make?
Science is very good at explaining how something works but it is never able to answer the larger questions of why. This is what I mean when I say I believe science will always be inadequate in this regard. For instance, for all evolution theory has taught us it still cannot explain the true significance of life and likely never will. Unless of course you simply believe life begins and ends as we see it, which of course is just as valid as any other belief (keyword being belief); it is just not something I subscribe too.

Death Aflame I have been enjoying reading your posts in this thread.

I think these statements reveal a potential flaw in atheism. People worldwide and forever in history have struggled with the same type of questions. It's like there is some part of us that longs for a reason and a purpose and to know what it is. Why is that? Why do we wonder? Why do we make up Gods? Why do we even care if we are just the result of chance? Could it be that that question and longing has been placed there in us? If not, then why do we have it? Do monkeys have it? They don't act like they have it. Do birds? They seem to just go through their motions. But look at those humans! Look at all the creativity and diveristy and individuality that exists. Look how much of it comes from longings and questions and a desire to mean something.

It's not insiginifcant.
Actually, it doesn't seem like it's planned. There are lots of flaws and things that just don't make sense that really don't do justice to the first half of the term "intelligent design." If it was all "designed," it could have been done a hell of a lot better. Intelligent design should not be taught in schools because it is in no way scientific whatsoever and is not even quantifiable by any means. It is merely a statement of a hypothesis, and the proof of the hypothesis is essentially the hypothesis itself. Life was intelligently designed and I know this because it kind of looks that way if you don't look into the details? Does that really sound like it belongs in a science class?

Well, yeah, things go wrong. But look how much crap we have introduced to ourselves. And regardless of imperfections, it still does seem planned. It is a delicate balance, regardless of your denial of that. It is amazingly complex. And evolution has no more proof than creationism. We have proof that we exist, and have for a while. We have no more than that on either side.

I actually have good, non-nihilistic answers for these questions:

1. Why won't God heal amputees?
A. Because God gave us scientific thought to deal with healing the sick, and we have not yet figured out how to completely regenerate a limb (other than reattaching it or getting implants)

2.Why are there so many starving people in our world?
A. Because the world's food supply is unbalanced and those particular countries do not have a lot of access to trade with countries with abundant resources.

3. Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible?
A. Because the Bible is a written history of the Jewish people and the Jews believed submissively in the will of God, thus being reflected in their writings.

4. Why does the Bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?
A. Such as? If you're referring to Creation, all oral traditions have the world created by fantastic means, not by science, because science was a foreign concept to people in those days.

5. Why is God such a huge proponent of slavery in the Bible?
A. Like I said, the Bible is a book of Jewish history, and they happened to fall into slavery several times because they were easily conquered.

6. Why do bad things happen to good people?
A. Our actions are not inherently good or bad in themselves, and thus "bad" things (also a subjective concept) don't really have any bias.

7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles leave behind any evidence in the Bible?
A. What, like the wine or something? What sort of evidence was there to be left behind?

8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never appeared to you?
A. Because Jesus died over 2000 years ago and cannot physically appear to anyone.

9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
A. It's symbolic, dumbass. Jews were thinkers in concrete imagery, so Jesus was appealing to this side by saying such things.

10. Why do Christians get divorced at the same rate as non-Christians?
A. Because humans are human no matter what damn cult they belong to.

I say all this being a strong believer in God (not in a traditional sense, though). I think the only thing more ridiculous than Christians rationalizing their beliefs are people who criticize it seriously with sarcastic remarks. They're no better, really.
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