Yeah Richard Dawkins likes to be a condescending dick. That's too bad since it often tends to defeat his own cause (he is the
preaching to the choir kind of atheist basically, not the kind who will ever convince a firm believer of anything). But it doesn't change the fact that his argumentations are backed up by scientific fact*. And Behe's civil "sticking to the facts" reply doesn't change the fact that he is wrong and his arguments do not (hence the fact that he consistently bypasses the scientific peer review process and writes his books solely with the scientifically uneducated layman's audience in mind). The fact that Behe tends to remain civil despite having been ridiculed and ostracized by his peers may say something about his personal fortitude and kindness, but it does not make anything he says more right.
As for why evolutionists more often resort to personal attacks (if that is infact true, I've read plenty of material by creationist fundamentalists that was equally uncivil), that entirely depends on the person obviously. Scientists are human beings just like anyone else and some of them will display more patience and restraint than others. However I can entirely understand that some of them at some point simply get fed up with the constant misinformation campaign led by creationists who systematically "abuse" science to try and convince the general public that their views are on par with those of the scientific community and therefor should be allowed into the schools and biology text books. Behe certainly is one of the people belonging to that particular group of writers. They misuse or fail to understand scientific theories, consistently use the "argument from ignorance" (a particularly potent strategy when your target audience is also ignorant on the subject matter at hand), erecting strawmen only to cut them down instantly in orther to try and convince less knowledgable people that their argument is just as valid as those of the evolutionary scientists. I can't blame some scientists for getting really fucking tired of that.
* the claim of the first source that The God Delusion contains no science is fucking laughable beyond belief, it is full of scientific explanations either by Dawkins himself or quotations from other scientists and direct referenes to scientific publications to back them up, something no creationist work has ever done (or been able to do, on account of there being no science involved in ID).
It seems that evolutions just want to deny they exist. Most evolutionists are so protective of their beloved theory that they fail to even consider its shortcomings (at least in public).
This is just an utterly ridiculous claim. Science is all about the open exchange of ideas and peer review. You are just under the delusion that Behe is or should be part of this process when he himself has excluded himself from it by A) resorting to
unscientific methods and B) completely avoiding the peer review of other scientists and instead targetting his publications directly to the layman public (for obvious reasons, they cannot debunk his ridiculous theories as the science community could, and has).
The very fundamentals of scientific discourse prevent what you are proposing there because it is an open field where anyone can participate. A single scientist who came up with theory X might end up being stubborn and petty and not immediately accepting it when his theory is disproven (that certainly has happened in the past because again, scientists are only human and subject to the same whims as you or me) but the scientific community as a whole is only interested in the facts. If a theory is proven false then it will be accepted as such. So far there has been no such proof offered up by Behe or anyone else. All attempts at poking holes in the theory have been easily disproven. Again, the fact that even Behe's own faculty is distancing itself from him should atleast give you a hint that what he is doing has little to do with science.