The great and all powerful religion thread!

Yeah, because even in Europe where religion is declining belief in supernatural, spiritual, etc are quite large. There is still something that is ingrained to make us believe that stuff. We want to feel special, not just some insignificant being on a insignificant rock in all of space.

I think you're right, you're just not explaining it very well.
We all have the natural inclination to ask "Where did we come from?" and "Why are we here?" Without a tangible answer to this question, we make the connection to a higher power that put us here. It gives us comfort in believing in this. Hence the newfound widespread Atheism as we find more evidence of a scientific reason for those questions. So, therefore, it is natural for humanity to create religion.
Is that what you were aiming for?
Can you expand on this please?

What I mean is: I think spirituality can be a beautiful thing to have in one's life, and as long as it's not an intolerant or dangerous form of spirituality, I think it's slightly cruel to disrupt someone's spiritual faith.

I disagree with this, but rarely is it so black and white as be happy and wrong or unhappy and right. Atheism does not make me unhappy, quite the opposite in fact.

I understand that being logical does not automatically result in unhappiness. But I think you're in a minority if you feel that atheism makes you happier. Personally, I find it very hard to remain satisfied with my life when I know it's meaningless in the grand scheme of things. And I think most people in the world share that sentiment.
Well that sucks for you. I couldn't trick myself into thinking I was special in the universe even if I wanted to. I'd rather concentrate on being special and meaningful to myself and others than in "the grand scheme of things".
I doubt that most atheists are unhappier being atheists than they believe they would be if they believed in a higher power and an afterlife.
Well that sucks for you. I couldn't trick myself into thinking I was special in the universe even if I wanted to. I'd rather concentrate on being special and meaningful to myself and others than in "the grand scheme of things".

And that's what I tend to concentrate on in my life as well. But I also have a strong desire for something permanent in my life, and knowing that that's impossible is a constant source of dissatisfaction. So I feel like my entire life will be marked by a constant struggle to distract myself from life's meaninglessness.

Does no one else here feel that desire for permanence? I find that hard to believe.
And that's what I tend to concentrate on in my life as well. But I also have a strong desire for something permanent in my life, and knowing that that's impossible is a constant source of dissatisfaction. So I feel like my entire life will be marked by a constant struggle to distract myself from life's meaninglessness.

That's what my life became a few years back, but at this point I don't care. I just take what I have and accept it, its not like we can do anything about it.
You just have to find meaning elsewhere. Feeling sad that you can't have something permanent is like feeling sad that you will never get the leprechaun's gold. It is just an imaginary concept.

Well, I don't expect to ever find meaning. I think the desire for it is just a natural part of my psychology, and one that I'll have to cope with if I want to enjoy whatever I do have in life. But I don't expect that struggle to ever be absent from my life - unless I become an invalid, or just spend the rest of my life intoxicated.
And that's what I tend to concentrate on in my life as well. But I also have a strong desire for something permanent in my life, and knowing that that's impossible is a constant source of dissatisfaction. So I feel like my entire life will be marked by a constant struggle to distract myself from life's meaninglessness.

Does no one else here feel that desire for permanence? I find that hard to believe.

Yes, but in a different way.
Why does there have to be an afterlife and a god to make you think your life means something in the grand scheme of things?

Because somehow afterlives and gods give the existence of human beings the appearance of being part of some big, grand narrative. Otherwise everything that's ever happened in the universe is just a big sequence of events with no ultimate point to it, just things causing other things. That's not very psychologically satisfying for human beings. Actually, a lot of our art could be viewed as one way of satisfying this sort of psychological need that we have.
Fear of death, mainly. People are much more comfortable thinking there is life after death rather than contemplating that there is no consciousness after death.

I think you've nailed it there,if you don't give a shit then religion's basically boring shit that's like totally unbelievable and just plain boring,that's my view i'll have to wait and see i guess,hopefully i'll be looked after when i die
I'm probably happier being an atheist than I ever was as a theist. I found the threat of hell to be quite terrifying.

To derail a bit, here is a question to the agnostics...

Why don't you guys stop being pussies and call yourselves atheists?
No clue, but I'm assuming it is made of win and awesome.

Fear of death, mainly. People are much more comfortable thinking there is life after death rather than contemplating that there is no consciousness after death.
Nail -> Head

I doubt that most atheists are unhappier being atheists than they believe they would be if they believed in a higher power and an afterlife.
I disagree. I think that faith really does have a lot to offer. Imagine how comforting it would be to believe your good deeds would be rewarded. I wish I could be religious...