The great and all powerful religion thread!

So my hypothetical God was obviously based on my understanding of God (Judeo-Christian God). And the consensus seems to be that there would be no way for the created to test and prove this creator.

So why, then, do some of you demand proof before you will consider the existence of God? Proof that, by your own admission, is not possible to attain. Why do you condescend to those of us who are willing to consider that reality? You even scoff at other atheists or agnostics that are willing to leave the possibility open.

Furthermore you cling to science with more faith than I have in God. This incomplete and feeble science which still has so much to learn. Anything that science cannot explain is not reality? That amazes me. I don't mean to discount science or claim it has no truth. Sceicne is awesome. But to view it as the only truth seems very narrow minded to me.

I am almost convinced that, primarily, you just don't want to believe in God. I have the feeling that if God did reveal himself to you in some way, you may still choose not to believe.
Yeah, I don't really know how to respond to that other than "look, just fuck off." :p

I suppose I'll go the "two can play at that game" route:

So, our hypothesis that a god does not exist...the consensus seems to be that there's no proof that it does not exist, but this is pretty good evidence in and of itself. How is this god consequential or relevant if he can't even affect us in our actual existence.

Why, then, do you demand that we give you proof of the non-existence of a god? If your word is enough for us (though it seems dumb), shouldn't our word be reasonable to you? God doesn't exist because there is no good evidence that he does; period. There never will be, because science cannot touch what is beyond its ("human") perception (hypothetically speaking, of course; to imply this would be implying that I believe in a god, before you attack me on this point). The person who claims something exists needs to prove it (burden of proof), not the person who claims non-existence. You are willing to consider a reality which makes no logical sense. I question this much more than my own belief in a world lacking an omniscient creator.

On another note, YOU are being as condescending as you seem to hate; "incomplete and feeble science"? Sensationalist crap. Call me out for semantics if you will, but you absolutely understand that science is not at all feeble because it is all we can comprehend based on our logic system. Human logic only goes so far, some would say to the extent of its own definition (which we've created), and it definitely does not go far enough to even comprehend a god who put us here. Why should we care, then? Atheism is my belief because I see no real point to believing in god; I don't believe in the myth of a heaven in the clouds or a hell meters below this earth where the damned dwell forever in torment; why should I? There's no evidence, and there won't ever be evidence. I trust science much more than I trust a book which has been irrelevant for millenia.

I am almost convinced that, primarily, you don't want to just accept that some people don't follow your unrealistic way of thinking. I have a vague feeling that if God were to appear to you, you would doubt it too.

Good day, sir.
I am split. I dont know if I still believe, but I try. I still have reason to. Good debate from most people here.

I was in your situation about three years back, I had just turned 13, and had just started to think on my own.

My advice, don't bullshit yourself. If you are having doubts about your faith, its probably because you're coming to your senses and getting a grip on reality. If you don't think you believe in something, it means that you most likely don't, and you are simply trying to convince yourself for need of personal security.

Seriously, giving up religion is one of the best things I have ever done. It has given me a more clear and concise thought process, among many other things.
I still think that a ton of the morals are right. I do not believe in random lust, sex before married is okay though, and other strict morals. I still believe, just not the same way. I think it has been some what perverted by the masses.
If you just believe in "some" of the morals, you're not really very Christian; God doesn't care if you are just in every other don't follow a commandment and it's to hell with you.
If you just believe in "some" of the morals, you're not really very Christian; God doesn't care if you are just in every other don't follow a commandment and it's to hell with you.

THAT is where I start to run into the gray area and I lose faith in the IDEA of religion. As you can see its a confusing state of mind.
If you just believe in "some" of the morals, you're not really very Christian; God doesn't care if you are just in every other don't follow a commandment and it's to hell with you.

Unless you ask for forgiveness before you die of course. Then everything's cool and super and you're forgiven.
THAT is where I start to run into the gray area and I lose faith in the IDEA of religion. As you can see its a confusing state of mind.

It isn't confusing at all if you just give it up; you can still live by the morals and not be bound by belief in a higher power which is constantly proven inadequate by everything going on in today's world anyway.