The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Listening to Katatonia and thinking about how "fantastically" un-awesome this shitty year has been.
The year started with problems with the car that was wrecked by an idiot around last New Year, now it was vandalized again two weeks ago, someone broke both my side mirrors off, going to cost me a few grand to fix, money I don't have right now.
My retarded ADHD-neighbor is making my apartment a living hell. All this shit is putting a real downer on my move to Stockholm, the only thing making it worth is the friends and all the concerts.
I got fucked by my employer who gave me a new title and heavier workload plus I have covered for a guy who quit, but no raise.
My mothers Alzheimers is getting worse, she cant live alone much longer so we need to sell the house where I grew up, making me sad as fuck.
Dating life sucks and is basically non existent because of all the shit that is going on and its taking all my energy away, I have gotten laid twice this year, kill me please.
On top of, and obviously because of all this shit I got the diagnose of stress and fatigue syndrome a month ago with symptoms like nausea, numb and lost feeling in my face, feet and fingers, feelings like I'm about to faint.

I don't really feel like celebrating this New Years eve... well it will be nice to see my friends but, this fucking life sucks right now.
I hope it turns around in 2017 or I will probably end in a depression.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! :unsure:
Cant you sue your neighbour? And sorry about your mom. At least you got laid lmao.

This year was avarage for me, I realised that my potential degree is worthless and im not willing to sacrifice my life for this bullshit in this country, so many wasted years. I also became overly agressive but since i was a fat fuck I had no means to use that agression, so decided to work out. In the middle of it though my agression and hate slightly went away so I am confused now what to do lol. I have no use for a good body when im not willing to use it, but ill roll with it this year again see where it takes me.

Highlights of the year:
Stopped wasting time on online games almost completely, ive had enough salt to turn every lake in this country into a dead seas.
Zootopia <3
Few early days of Pokemon GO, really magical moments for me, chasing fucking pidgeys in 30 celcius degree.
I can "sue" him if he doesnt change for the better, but first I have to talk to him and try to sort it out (I have talked to him twice already), and then the board of the tenant have to talk with him to give him a chance to change, THEN if he doesnt change we might have enough to start a case against him in some political process and he might be evicted. It will get ugly.
I will start this process as soon as I have the energy.

Working out is good, I cant even do that like I want to anymore because of a broken spine. FML
That sucks man, hopefully things improve where they can. Anxiety and added stress can be rough but there is always the chance for things to turn around, even when it seems like everything is fucked. And what the hell is your neighbour doing?

My 2016 started pretty awful but these last six months I am actually much happier than I have been in years. Its the first time in about 3 straight years I wasn't horribly depressed and doubting if I can take anymore. But somewhere along the line little pieces of good started falling into place. I think it was the change of location/home, finally getting out of debt, getting back into creating music (and other little things) that help pull me out of that hole. Although my dating life is still non-existent, it will take time to get back into that since I was completely antisocial and basically need to relearn how to be open and feel again. It's a work in progress.

Never the less, the fact I am still alive and kicking when I truly didn't think I would be at this point is proof that things can improve against all expectations, even after going through hell for a long time.

I don't usually share things that personal (especially online) but coming out the other side of something bad and turning it into a positive thing seems like a decent way to kick off the new year.

To those of you that are stressed as hell, stay positive and don't let it eat you away. Life takes unexpected turns sometimes.

May 2017 be a better year for all \m/.

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Listening to Katatonia and thinking about how "fantastically" un-awesome this shitty year has been.
The year started with problems with the car that was wrecked by an idiot around last New Year, now it was vandalized again two weeks ago, someone broke both my side mirrors off, going to cost me a few grand to fix, money I don't have right now.
My retarded ADHD-neighbor is making my apartment a living hell. All this shit is putting a real downer on my move to Stockholm, the only thing making it worth is the friends and all the concerts.
I got fucked by my employer who gave me a new title and heavier workload plus I have covered for a guy who quit, but no raise.
My mothers Alzheimers is getting worse, she cant live alone much longer so we need to sell the house where I grew up, making me sad as fuck.
Dating life sucks and is basically non existent because of all the shit that is going on and its taking all my energy away, I have gotten laid twice this year, kill me please.
On top of, and obviously because of all this shit I got the diagnose of stress and fatigue syndrome a month ago with symptoms like nausea, numb and lost feeling in my face, feet and fingers, feelings like I'm about to faint.

I don't really feel like celebrating this New Years eve... well it will be nice to see my friends but, this fucking life sucks right now.
I hope it turns around in 2017 or I will probably end in a depression.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! :unsure:

that sounds really shit johan, sorry to hear you've had to put up with so much :( changing the year from one number to another will of course not help (or otherwise), but keep looking forward because there's always things that makes all the crap worth it in the end
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Poalcks are fucking hypocrites.

They are all for defending their property - "You attack me in my home, you deserve to die".
Few days ago some retards attacked kebab place so mr. Kebab defended himself and his property and put a knife into retarded polack, he died.

And the shitstorm began! Animals demolished his shop while police was just watching. At least I got at least 50 racists banned of facebook, so there is fun in there for me too.
Kebabs > shit > polacks.
That sucks man, hopefully things improve where they can. Anxiety and added stress can be rough but there is always the chance for things to turn around, even when it seems like everything is fucked. And what the hell is your neighbour doing?

My 2016 started pretty awful but these last six months I am actually much happier than I have been in years. Its the first time in about 3 straight years I wasn't horribly depressed and doubting if I can take anymore. But somewhere along the line little pieces of good started falling into place. I think it was the change of location/home, finally getting out of debt, getting back into creating music (and other little things) that help pull me out of that hole. Although my dating life is still non-existent, it will take time to get back into that since I was completely antisocial and basically need to relearn how to be open and feel again. It's a work in progress.

Never the less, the fact I am still alive and kicking when I truly didn't think I would be at this point is proof that things can improve against all expectations, even after going through hell for a long time.

I don't usually share things that personal (especially online) but coming out the other side of something bad and turning it into a positive thing seems like a decent way to kick off the new year.

To those of you that are stressed as hell, stay positive and don't let it eat you away. Life takes unexpected turns sometimes.

May 2017 be a better year for all \m/.


My neighbour is just really loud in everything he does and the building is not soundproofed very good, I hear him all the time, moving furniture, throwing things, slams the radiators, stomps his feet while walking, screams when talking (hes from Irak or something) its just mentally exhausting to almost never have calm and quite.

Good to hear you have turned things around. I know that things will get better for me, I just need to keep grinding and make some changes.
3 racist attacks in poland in one day targeting honest people leading small bussinesses. One dude got his teeth punched out, second dude got molotoved, some chick has her bar ruined.
This is beyond disgusting at this point and government still insists that its just a coincidence and rare occurance. My ass.

When polacks got slaughtered in UK (rightfully so) government members traveled to UK like immediately to "school" brits. Fucking hypocrites i fucking despise everything under the white-red flag.
Ok, I just achieved new low in life. It might not seem like much, but it just shows that im "never lucky" in life and whatever I do backfires.

So i was on exam today to get certificate for my AWESOME ENGLISH SKILLS and after ezpz writing, listening and reading came talking.
I fucking hate to talk but whatevs. Before the exam were doing some small talk with the group and turns out the chick, my partner for the exam didnt see new Star Wars.

Okay, good to know, since the first warm up topic was to talk about the last movie you saw. So Ok, Rogue One is a big nope since im not a douchebag. Making a list in my head what I watched recently, some shitty horror movies, Human Cantipede 2 again and Zootopia.
So, i dont have much to talk about shitty movies, I wont talk about scat, gore and smashing newborns so okay, Zootopia.

Fast forward to exam itself. Ok, im done with my talk, time for my partner.
She starts talking about a fucking horror movie

Lifemocker is confused

Ok, that blows, I look like a loser now, but whatever, maybe at least shell think im cute.

Lifemocker used Dig. Lifemocker burrows himself.

Question tims, my partner starting.
"So your favourite movies are cartoons?"

Lifemocker hits himself due to confusion

i deny, say that my actuall favourite genre is horror and I go on for a while about that. She answers
"Okay. I dont believe you"

Lifemocker fainted


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That sucks man, hopefully things improve where they can. Anxiety and added stress can be rough but there is always the chance for things to turn around, even when it seems like everything is fucked. And what the hell is your neighbour doing?

My 2016 started pretty awful but these last six months I am actually much happier than I have been in years. Its the first time in about 3 straight years I wasn't horribly depressed and doubting if I can take anymore. But somewhere along the line little pieces of good started falling into place. I think it was the change of location/home, finally getting out of debt, getting back into creating music (and other little things) that help pull me out of that hole. Although my dating life is still non-existent, it will take time to get back into that since I was completely antisocial and basically need to relearn how to be open and feel again. It's a work in progress.

Never the less, the fact I am still alive and kicking when I truly didn't think I would be at this point is proof that things can improve against all expectations, even after going through hell for a long time.

I don't usually share things that personal (especially online) but coming out the other side of something bad and turning it into a positive thing seems like a decent way to kick off the new year.

To those of you that are stressed as hell, stay positive and don't let it eat you away. Life takes unexpected turns sometimes.

May 2017 be a better year for all \m/.

good for you :), i finally got my dream job and i hate it haha, final nail in the coffin that i just need to let go of my science degree. i fall back on it because its the easy choice but its never made me happy.

moved in with a great girl last year. so i suppose between us we doin aight lol