The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

^ Noted.

As a damn manager id like to get less creepy viber msgs from our customers but it cant be helped.

Indians are damn weird, every time i finish a job for them and let them know on viber or via email, i get a reply "Thank you my darling" or even worse "Thank you my love"

Idk if its some cultural thing or whatever but it creeps me out and everybody in the company jokes about how im gonna become an indian bride.
Not a cultural thing (it would be a cultural thing if it were the Chinese). Definitely creepy, zero doubt about it.

Also, 10/10 would attend Maja's Indian wedding.
I'm fucking done selling anything to polacks.
I sell a lot of shit on polish auction site, from games to in this case - latex clothing.
I got a mail few days ago, saying "Im sorry, but i ordered a wrong size can i return" i said k, if its unused if she pays for the shipping i dont give a fuck.

Just unpacked the parcel. There is her fucking ooze or whatever on it and it reeks.
What the fuck is wrong with people. Im gonna fucking vomit. Disgusting whore.
Turns out ive lost my fucking growls. I suck the same way akerfeldt sucks now. My lows are laughable and forced and only highs are somewhat ok.
Great, fucking great. Now I wonder if its because the lack of practice for the past year or because im not over 100kg abomination anymore.
probably the former
So Im gonna go back to growling at people pissing me off in traffic.

I think it's because cartoon bunny.

I bet youve never heard bunny growling, terryfying shit. Then it jumps to your throat.
Practice is super important. I think I already said it here but it took me a lot of effort to get my growl back when I started doing music again. I went for years without growling so if I can get my voice back you should be able to as well. Unless you did damage at some point.
I hope so, my growls werent perfect but I kinda liked them, changed my technique shitton of times to get what I wanted and now seeing it gone is depressing. Hopefuly can get them back. Glad I found out while doing a shitty cover, not while recording more stuff for my album.
But funny thing is I sounded the better the fatter(i know its not a word) I was, I hope it's just coincidental :tickled:
edit: turns out fatter is actually a word.
Your growls were always pretty good. The last couple things you posted (a while ago now) I couldn't really hear you much because you were growling over another vocalist, and/or it was buried in a lot of effects/reverb, but I remember some stuff before that was was definitely good stuff. Just gotta give it time and stick with some kind of practice schedule, similar to working out. Practice every other day for like an hour or something until you get the growl back, then try to practice at least once a week to maintain. Like I said before, it took me an unexpected amount of effort to get back, and the first few weeks I could not keep a consistently good growl at all. Like one line was good and then the next line my voice got all strained and weird, or cracked.

The fact that you have already accomplished a good growl before is a huge help too, because your mind already knows how to do it, you just need to get your voice/throat back on board. At least you don't have to go to the growl thread and ask "okay so from the start, how do I grrr?" :lol:

I guess it depends on how important it is to you whether you want to keep it up. If it's just for shits and you don't have plans to record or play music then whatever. However if there is a music project you have passion for that you want to complete, and you feel is important enough to push through the re-learning process then I say keep going with it until you don't embarrass yourself anymore.

Even then, I still hate my voice like 90% of the time. But that's just an excuse to try harder and work on it more.
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I think I always lacked practice since I could keep the good growls for 30-40 minutes tops, but that was more than enough for my shitty recording sessions. But I definitely need to get them back, I actually got a music project Im trying to finish for years now since im a lazy fuck and whenever I think about recording it just ends on "fuck setting up drums, i need to get a drummer" and another months go by without me doing shit. And even if not for my music projects I wanted to do silly covers of popular / children stuff with grrr voice.
Actually went to my youtube channel and holy shit, it's been 2 years since I recorded anything with my voice, no wonder I suck now. I guess one of my latest covers I enjoy the most now. (ignoring timing fails because I had shitty pc back then and had delays on recording every 5 seconds.

I remember adding some effects on the voice to fit this old bloodbath style, maybe I overdone it in here.
Anyways as I said, definitely gonna growl at least in my car, over an hour daily should be enough to get some of it back in a matter of months. And maybe somehow i will be able to improve my technique again while rediscovering shit.
i think i commented when you posted that video last time, but that sounds great, very similar to åkerfeldt back in the days.

i've been sick for about 2 weeks now, lots of cough and bad throat in general, and i have a recording coming up soon :yell: any tips on how to get back on track asap when (if ever) i get rid of this shit?
The vile chest cold... in my experience that always fucks things up, especially if it affects your breathing. Sinus blockage in particular is a growl wrecker for me. I don't think there is a remedy specific to growling vocal though, I would say that any tips you can google for any kind of singing with a cold would apply universally. They make teas specific to singers and everything apparently.
Vaguely related or not, I have Twitch and Youtube gaming accounts. But I have a rather serious shoulder injury that has basically made it incredibly painful to play any video game involving a controller. It's a dumb "injury" suffered through long hours of Twitch streaming that basically left me in incredible shoulder pain for several weeks, to the point that I could almost not bike to work, and is still now an issue for me to stream games. I'm basically scared to even test my shoulder out cause the last time I ignored the pain I ended up in ridiculous pain for well over a week. And this shit sucks cause I love streaming.
A shoulder problem from holding a controller? That's unusual. If you used a mouse I would understand, because it tends to keep your hand resting on a desk, but you can rest your arm in almost any position with a controller.
A shoulder problem from holding a controller? That's unusual. If you used a mouse I would understand, because it tends to keep your hand resting on a desk, but you can rest your arm in almost any position with a controller.
I play games lying on a bed propped on on my left shoulder, so playing with a controller is hella awkward. Playing with a mouse is actually way better since I don't have to prop myself up. What I really need is a better computing setup.
YEA TAKE THAT CONSOLE PEASANTS! (which reminds me that Ive got 6 MegaMans to beat on my ps4, brb)

i've been sick for about 2 weeks now, lots of cough and bad throat in general, and i have a recording coming up soon :yell: any tips on how to get back on track asap when (if ever) i get rid of this shit?

If you are like me then youre gonna suffer for at least week more :(