The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Fuck, since i started working out something bad is happening with my eyes.
I never had perfect sight in my right eye because of trauma, but my left eye was perfect.

I realised that my sight is getting worse, but it wasnt a lot, but today I felt like an idiot, I heard someone saying "hi" to me, I looked at them and took me a sec to identify them.
Then I needed to find someone in crowded corridor and I was making awfuly awkward long eye contact to "focus" on the face.

Ive got glasses but i hate wearing them, obstructs my view, hurts my nose and pisses me off. But looks like its time to give in.
Can we have mechanical eyes yet?
No fucking way, i saw this procedure on the internet, id rather be gangbanged by a pack of negros. My only weakness is doing weird shit to eyes and this DEFINITELY is weird shit. Metal claws in the eye, cutting the "eyeball", no thank you sir.
There is no proof that they dont alter their brains after cutting their fucking eyeball. For all i now they could be enslaved zombies now.
But maybe i could use some brain surgery after all.

When im not tired as fuck i have trouble sleeping. But when im tired as fuck (now) i get depressed and cold :(
I'm 30-years-old and my nemesis at work is an 18-year-old girl. I know I should be the adult here but good lord is she a hateful little hobgoblin.
Instead of typing " Thank you :)" to our customer, i typed " thank you :*" Noticed the mistake after he emailed me "ok" 15 minutes later.

I hope he desnt think im flirting with him cause that would be just awkward
^ Noted.

As a damn manager id like to get less creepy viber msgs from our customers but it cant be helped.

Indians are damn weird, every time i finish a job for them and let them know on viber or via email, i get a reply "Thank you my darling" or even worse "Thank you my love"

Idk if its some cultural thing or whatever but it creeps me out and everybody in the company jokes about how im gonna become an indian bride.
LMAO and i thought that eastern europeans with their "xxxxx my friend" were silly, indians are worse

You should not send me emojis, but you can send me cute bunnies or goats :3