The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

We all know that now you want to pet a bunny while spewing racist shit.

Vaguely related or not, I have Twitch and Youtube gaming accounts. But I have a rather serious shoulder injury that has basically made it incredibly painful to play any video game involving a controller. It's a dumb "injury" suffered through long hours of Twitch streaming that basically left me in incredible shoulder pain for several weeks, to the point that I could almost not bike to work, and is still now an issue for me to stream games. I'm basically scared to even test my shoulder out cause the last time I ignored the pain I ended up in ridiculous pain for well over a week. And this shit sucks cause I love streaming.

Have you seen a physiotherpist? Doctors can usually not do much about that shit, they just give you pills that numb the pain temporary. Its probably overuse (RSI) combined with bad posture and you need a specialist that can see what muscles you need to work out and stretch to improve posture and let the overused muscles rest and heal.
Also start cardio training a few times a week, blood flow helps my acing arms.
Internet nowadays:


Dropped my commute-card this morning with 2 weeks left on it, bought a new one for 1500sek because I was in hurry to get on the train then I realize I had the old card registered in my name, logged on their webpage and yep there it is. So I figured they could merge my new ticket with the old, but nope. They just say FUCK YOU! YOU LOST IT NOTHING WE ARE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT FUCK YOU FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOU.

SL can burn in hell.
Cute shy grill just dropped from my classes :( If only I helped her earlier maybe she wouldnt quit ;_; I'm gonna miss this startled doe look.
I once dated a grill, that only appeared shy but in reality she was super duper super confident. So confident, that she got drunk regulary and was running naked on the streets. So yeah, im glad i never fucked her, probably saved me some stds