The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Yea, the salt mine is pretty neat. There is also one in my room.

Poland only has its pros when you like alcohol. If you dont there is nothing for you here.
Unless you like mountaints, there are some pretty cool places but crowded as fuck. This reminds me of one situation from 3 years ago. I was on my road to shelter, but found some pretty cool place outside of the main track, behind huge rocks by the river. It was peaceful and quiet.
Until some fucks with 5 kids shouted "LOOK, THERE IS SOMEONE THERE" and they fucking sat right next to me. I mean what in the fuck.
It's "free", you pay for it with taxes. But since because polacks are retarded free healthcare blows, because the queues are out of this earth. Old hags are bored at home and are just going to a doctor to talk with other hags or to complain that her fat ass is sick.
Or retards not cancelling their apointments when they decide not to go.

Tax rates are:
18% if you earn up top 85000PLN which equals around 21k USD.
After that you pay 32%.

But now most of those taxes go to bribe human waste with money to vote for the current ruling party. Fuck infrastructure, fuck technology, lets give polacks money for vodka.
lol i make more than that and pay lower-20s percent (and im pissed about even that)

this is why America is great. and fucking lefties want us to become socialists/communists. may they die in a gutter.
I'd be fine with paying ~~30% taxes if the money wasnt wasted, but it is wasted every year and for the past 2 years its getting ridiculous.
Dude if you're self-sufficient, and a large percentage of your taxes are not being used directly on you and instead on poor shits and (in Sweden's case) dirty refugees, then it IS wasted from the perspective of yourself
Honestly, nowadays I respect kebabs and refugees more than polacks. Id rather give them my money instead of those filthy whores and thieves.

Another new low, fell in love with a random girl from a show about restaurants. But she has this evil lord expressions i cant help myself :(
Marry me.
Now you hurt me. She's clearly not pure slav, she's mixed with something but her skull looks slav enough for me.
Only downside is her having brown eyes. I hate brown eyes, but I still love her because im a loser :3