The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Serious butthurt from me.

So today I realised people are actually retarded. Today during a class we had a task to do. Suddenly, one dude stands up and goes to the door. Professor asks "are you okay?" and the dude's like "yeaa, just need to go to the bathroom".
2 second later SLAM, his head hiots the wall, 1 second later THUMP he falls to the ground slamming his head hard again. (#edit, forgot to add, if you are feeling bad just fucking say it. If he collapsed outside the door, which is 2 meters further no one would find him for an hour or so)

And this is the part that pisses me off. Im a person that generally doesnt give a fuck about others. I dont even know the guy, but fuck me, he's bleeding, unconcious, would be okay I guess to help him?
Looks like i was the only person beside professor thinking that, the rest was stunned. I dont give a fuck if they were shocked or whatever, you suck if you cant act in situations like that. Had to call the ambulance, had to run like a madman to inform guards to rise the checkpoints and had to trust the rest to deal with the guy bleeding from his dead. Our professor has back problems, and yet he was the only one from what I heard trying to lie the guy on the side so he doesnt choke on his own blood.

People are useless. If i have to be the guy helping the other then kill yourself.


At least the medic was fucking handsome i mean hotdamn.
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Well, I just posted on other thread that we have kebabs and negros on the campus so probablt thats why
Poles are not stopped by checkpoints or anything, they will just steal the shit and sell it on the junkyard
He shows a moment of empathy shining through, then goes right back to sounding like a sociopath.

Im fighting the real fight inside my soul man.

It's probably also a rule that people in Poland must shitpost on random forums

I'm just glad we havent incorporated Denmarks law. I wouldnt be able to live with offering my butthole to unfair skinned gentelmen.

I just wish I could bypass a law forcing me to make shitty racist insults.
Come to think of it...

Is in Star Wars something like "neutral side" of the force? I just want some turquoise light saber killing or saving somebody when I feel like it.
Typing a rant from my friend today. We met and complained like true polacks but fuck me aint that a truth.


He works at a bank. Since we have a new government every family gets 500 PLN for every kid if they have 2+ kids. Now the important part. Normally every benefits like that count towards a specific "counter", if you monthly get more than this "counter" then you lose the benefits. But this programme doesnt count towards it.

So, as I said, he works at a bank, gets 1750 PLN monthly for his shitty work and has to deal with people who dont work and they monthly get 5000 PLN and more. Why? Because they work illegally, because they get multiples of 500pln for having parasites and because they get a lot of benefits cos they didnt reach the "counter" quote. Often they also get an apartment to live for free or very cheap rent. 90 % of this people are human waste, who just abuse the system, drink all day and dont give a fuck about anything, especially their children and they live like kings while the others work their asses of and barely survive.

Polacks are the lowest possible life form. Tjis country sold it's dignity for silly 500pln (120euro) monthly, because majority of our citizens are lazy parasites waiting for opportunity to get money for free.
They also say they hate communism. LMAO
Yea that's pretty horrible

edit: in any country, you gotta discourage poor shits from breeding like rats by making it very clear to their small brains that they will NOT get extra money for pooping out more parastic spawn and that their offspring will surely starve to death.
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My mind is torturing and punishing me for being alive.

Today I had this extremely realistic dream, I had a baby daughter and she was hit by a car. She died in my arma and I could feel her lifeless body. The feeling was so fucking strong "i cant even". Might be the first time in my life when I woke up with tears in my eyes. Fuck this.