I fucked up. Again.
So today I decided to do a killer run for me. 5km, but doing better than the best I can do. I had a theory that brain rules over body (well, duh, but in a poetic way).
So I ran over 1 minute faster per 1km than I usually do. First km was fine, i sometimes did this already but was pretty tired after that. But I had 4 more to go.
Second I could manage. Then was the time when I probably fucked up majorly.
My body was giving me signals "stop dude, at least slow down". Nope, fuck you body, you complain? Let's go faster then. Endomongo saying I go 1,12 min faster than usual. 3km done. My stomach became rock hard, to relieve the pain I had to run for a while like a fag from anime with my hand flailing behing the body. Going even faster.
Last km, everything aches, i feel like everything is more red. Last 2 minutes is almost sprint.
Done. 7 minutes faster in total than usual. Going back home was painful, had to walk like a robot.
But wait, there is more. Now my body is taking revenge. I am thirsty as fuck. I already drank like 3 liters but im still thirsty. I just actually puked because I couldnt drink anymore and then I drank more. Still thirsty, but even as I type on the keyboard i can feel the water inside me. Wanna pass out.
So yeah, brain can ignore the body and push it over its limits. Pretty useful in dire situations, but the price to pay later is fucking huge. Afraid of tomorrow.