The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Okay man, I get it, im a bad guy, but holy shit give me a break.

Another dream and I literally have the dream again with the same baby girl again. This time it looks like some post apo scenario, she's wounded or something because I have to perform surgery on her with a fucking can opener. I don't need to say it was pretty fucking realistic in terms of visuals if you wont mind using ridiculous items used in the dream to perform it.

At this point i will really go insane and I will join Timmy in mental asylum. I'm sorry i laughed at you, Timothy Wells, let's be friends.
Unless I'm a fucking god I believe in order to have a daughter you need to put a penis inside a woman. Then again maybe someone extarcted my sperm from me when I was asleep.

I always hated kids, never wanted to have one. Then I had a dream when I had a fucking daughter and I thought "Why not, maybe in the future" because she was fucking amazing, and now mind is like "Let's kill her over and over in your sleep in the most realistic ways".
Fainted for the first time in my life, what a journey!

I woke up with a huge pain in my stomach, it felt like i was being stabbed, it lasted for 5 seconds and didnt hurt for half a minute and it just happened again and again, so went to the toilet. But there was no shit in my intestines apparently but the pain wouldnt stop. Finally after another stab my eyes embraced darkness, I leaned on the wall a bit, thinking I got this.

When I woke up on the ground in a pool of water and a stream of water shooting at my face I knew i didnt got that.
My jaw now hurts but my amazing survival skills are amazing. Apparently, as I was fainting I hit the bidet tap with my jaw and turned it on.

With a metallic taste in my mouth I went to bed and googled my symptoms, thinking obviously I have cancer.


I'm pregnant apparently. I hope its a girl.
Yea, I didnt feel pain for the most of the day but now my jaw and head hurt AF.

As for the epilepsy I doubt that, it was just a pain + hot + lack of air + being sleepy combo.

Also my blood pressure today was pretty fucking low, 90/60 but after some forced work out I got it back to normal levels.

On the plus side, today a new hot chick cosplayed my waifu and did it as good as my fav asian chick so I might faint again or get a nose bleed.


But I've got nowhere to go. No friends, no gf, no family I could trust. My only option is staying here and trying not to give in to the darkness that is life.

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Just seen a footage from the gas attack in Syria.

Absolutely disgusting. Whoever used that weapon is a fucking coward and deserves to die for months. It's cute how kebabs still use forbidden weapons but nobody has the balls to just nuke them and get this over with.

I believe only leaders and warmongers should die this way, long and painful way. No regular soldier, no civilian should go like that. Actually nuking them would be mercy at this point.
still don't want refugees in the usa and it's still not our job to intervene in the war
What the fuck are retards at Netflix doing?

Just subbed in again and guess fucking what. No more scores for the films.

Just fucking thumbs up or down. Yea, so not even I can't rate the movie, because it's never "i hate it or love it" with me but now I dont know if the movies worth watching if I dont do research by myself.

I guess numbers are too confusing for people nowadays. Replace everything with fucking pictures.
Netflix ratings aren't based on a score anyway. What you see is what Netflix thinks you're going to rate it. It's not like IMDB or RT or something like that. If a movie has 4.9 stars on Netflix, it's because their algorithm thinks you're going to like it based on what you've watched/rated in the past.

It is possible the single worst system in the history of online streaming. It's unbelievable
I dont think it works that way. I used to like shitty horror movies and Netflix insisted they suck and I wont like it.

Even if it worked the way you claim it works its still better than damn thumbs. I really dont know why I still sometimes bother with paying for content, I guess im just too lazy to torrent shit...
Again, still better than thumbs. Now I am afraid to rate anything. Thumbs down just means I can miss potentially good movie. Thumbs up may mean that I will be swarmed with shitty movies.

Kinda like what polish imdb-like site is doing. They take into account a tons of shit when they recommend me a movie. Genre, actors length.

For example, I rated there Beyond: Two Souls game. They also saw I watched Westworld. So have this postapo movie with Ellen Page and Rachel Wood. Oh, you enjoyed it and also watched OA? Have this movie with Page and "the main actress of OA". It also was pretty good, because it took into the account a lot of things.

IF I keep following it I probably can watch entire filmography of some actors in a specific genre.