The Great Depression/Butthurt thread


Staying in a fucking queue, tons of people behind me and THIS FUCKING CUNT just decides to place her groceries randomly on this black rubber tape that makes the fucking stuff travel to the check out. Oh, i have around 2 meters free of space? NAH ILL JUST PUT IT HERE DONT FEEL LIKE MAKING 2 MORE STEPS FUCK THOSE PEOPLE BEHIND ME AMIRITE?!

Visual representationholy shit im so mad

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Philosophical butthurt:

That feeling when you hate your nation so much that you stop being racist and homophobic because you are too busy directed hate at the real threat that are stupid polacks. The more retarded this nation becomes the more they want a free access to firearms. Personally im all for it, but you cant give guns to worthless cockroaches.

I wish i could keep hating people that are not a real threat to me, its easier but times change :(
1. theyre not
2. theyre bitches wanting to be treated like ladies
3. You wont find bigger hypocrites than polish grills

Now when im at university everytime I am like "wow, nice girl" it turns out she's russian / ukrainian. Some asians are also pretty, but during the winter I could not laugh when 5 chinese girls were dressed in exactly same coats ala Cruella De Vil just in different colours. They have pretty bad taste in clothing.
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Be proud of my government?
You mean those nazi-communists? You mean people who steal from me to pay other people to support them? You mean the government that banned all gambling? You mean the government who insults you everyday unless you openly admit you support them and are good cathloic?
You mean the people who moaned for 8 years when others ruled that the key offices are taken by families of the rulers and then in a matter of year they gave more jobs to their families and friends than others in 8 years?
You mean the people who complained about massive debt and rised it 20% in a year?
You mean the people, who are still convinced that the airplane with VIPs in 2010 was destroyed by Putin and are pushing for war with Russia?
You mean people who are emberassing us in front of the whole europe?

LMAO, no. The list goes on and on