The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Just realised when learning japanese that I dont translate english to my native language in my head, always thought I took time to process the words but looks like that's not the case. Which is nice, because polish tutorials and books absolutely suck for learning japanese.

On butthurt side, after learning it for a while I struggle AF with knowing when japanese word ends and where it starts in sentences, lack of spaces is absolutely retarded and I cant deal with that, especially since the grammar is like totally reverted compared to polish or english.

Oh well, at least prononciation is pretty much like I would read it in polish so yay, no longer need to use soft "r" which is gay and i hate english for that. "R" is beautiful and deserves a punch.
So I found this website with cool lessons for weaboo language and since you earn exp there decided to grind it from doing the basics I already know and suddenly:


Turns out ive been drawing this symbol wrong. But how the fuck fucking ching chongs went from this "sickle" thing to two fucking lines i beyond me.
Depressed as fuck.

Today and tomorrow there is some music festival (Summer Loud?) in my small town (who the fuck knows it even exists, there are even bands that I heard like Unleashed, Solstafir, Percival and some minor ones I cant remember.

Went to see how many metalfags are on the streets, quite a lot, wanted to make fun of them inside my head but...


I fucking cant, i envy them. They approach other metalfags, are happy, talk with passion about something they like and I'm just standing there, realising that I loved it, that few years ago I would probably be very happy that there are such bands playing where I live (probably wouldnt go see the show, because I hate crowds, but still) and now im just bitter stupid fuck.

Sure, most of them were younger then me, some a lot I assume, but they have it, they have passion, I see genuine good emotions coming from them.

I fucking envy them. Wish I could talk to them, but what would I talk about? "Nah, it sucks. Nope, dont like them anymore. No, they sound like shit too". What the fuck happened to me.
Yea, poorland. And my english is all over the place, while I believe I have quite big vocabulary my grammar can reach the levels of complete retard sometimes.
But then again I also struggle to use my native languague so there is that. At least when you type you can fix major fuckups if you feel like it, but once you open your mouth and vocal chords tremble there is no turning back. I dream that one day I will be able to keep my mouth shut and just communicate via robotic voice.


While not sitting paralysed on a fucking wheelchair with silly facial expression.
Went to sleep at 11pm instead of 1-2am to have 8 hours sleep like healthy, responsible adult.

Effectively went to sleep around 12:30 am because its too hard for flatmates to not throw fucking plates. Woke up 6am instead of 7am because some fags cant mute their phone for the night.

Effect - slept less than 6 hours and got 3 heart attacks.

Fuck being responsible.
Why the fuck is it required for people working in retail to ambush me and conctantly ask if I need help.

No, I dont, if I needed your help I'd ask for it. Youre just annoying me and making me not wanting to buy anything from your store. I know thats what their bosses ask them to do but this is beyond retarded.

When i went to 4th store I figured if I put headphones on they will leave me alone. Nope, even worse, I was touched and harrassed again.
Fuck my organism:

6 am - energy drink
8am - coffee
11am - coffee

Nope, zombie all the way.

almost 20pm - Yea, im not sleepy anymore, lets stay up to 3am.

Been at old folks home today with a friend to pay a visit to people who dont get visitors.

I wish I didn't do that, it was depressing as fuck. This old lady crying that somebody gave a fuck about her. Then learning she loses contact with reality every 5 minutes. Finally I asked her to tell me a random story from her life.

She told me she doesnt remember much, but her earliest memory is when she was 17 or 18, eating a sandwich at a creek after exams at school. She could descrive the taste of sandwich, what flowers were growing nearby and how cool the water was. And then supposedly nothing until her 40ies.

Living so long that you dont remember your life is like you didnt live at all. Now I know as soon as I slip into dementia or just keep losing memories im going to end this. Fucking terrible.
The last thing is what matters, isn't it? And ultimately the very last thing is you dying, brutal :kickass: Life is a brutal piece a shit :kickass:
im going to end this
at least there's a killer track by Dismember for this purpose. That solo brings tears of joy to my eyes :kickass: I know it is a strictly anti-war song but metaphorically it pictures exactly what you described.
Last month while on the way to Canada on a whoring trip, I had a stopover before my final destination. I only had a short window of time before my connecting flight departed. It was in a different terminal so I had to haul ass and run, fanny pack containing my erection meds jiggling.

I arrived at the security checkpoint. It was moving slow as fuck. I looked over, curious as to what was the holdup. It was an elderly African woman in a wheelchair. The security was discussing among themselves how to get her though the xray scanner. I was like cmon people I've got places to go, whores to fuck

Suddenly, ANOTHER person in a wheelchair rolls in, this time a young Arab male in a cheap suit, pushed by an airport employee, and CUTS PAST everyone in line, right to the front just behind the elderly African woman. Jesus Christ how many of these fuckers are there and why can't they wait their ass at the back of the line?

So the line had not moved and the security were still talking and my plane was departing soon. I was getting pissed. Finally the elderly African woman stands up, all wobbly and shit, and hobbles through the xray scanner, shaking like she'd fall over anytime. All the airport employees and some of the other travelers in line looked so amazed like they were gonna cry, like oh what a strong lady, such heart. I on the other hand was thinking MOVE YOUR ASS BITCH I HOPE YOU TRIP AND BREAK YOUR NECK

Then the young Arab male stands up and also walks through, his hand held by an airport employee. I wanted to kick his ass so that he'd fall through the xray scanner, face first into the floor hopefully break his nose or teeth. Fucking shameless asshole who I'm sure is on welfare at the expense of the Canadian taxpayers being slow at the airport.

I call out "MY PLANE IS LEAVING LET'S GO" so that everyone could hear, and they all look at me like oh my god look at this Asian guy, able to stand on 2 legs and looks handsome and successful, being an impatient asshole, tsk tsk. Shaking their heads and shit. Fucking Canadians and their disabled refugees. Fuck off!

Finally I get through, board the plane just barely in time, and fuck some hookers, the end