The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Polish police chasing down and locking up rioting leftist scum! way to go!

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Actully current government and their supporters are far left (excluding being fanatical cathofucks), basically communists. So government police attacks leftists AND everyone who protest the government or simply dont support them.

3-4 days ago people were attacked by thugs when they were proteting. What officials said? "Well, that's not nice, but we understand them, they only wanted to express their feelings towards people who try to overthrow us".

Basically their whole tactics for the past 2 years is "Do shit and play victim". They insult every single person? "We are a target of hate campaign". Their supporters attack people on the street? "We are afraid of going outside because of fear of being attacked".

Please stahp.
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Now you reminded me of my bunny. Pets should be immortal, humans should live short

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Netflix offers me a free trial again.

SUre, I would be up for it if it was trial to US version. For polish version i cant even be bothered to sign up again. No good and new series, shitty movies, no horrors, hell, even no popular chinese cartoons for weeaboos. Just garbage i can see on tv. No thanks.
Came back from vacation (mountains).

On the third day (after 3 days of doing somewhat challengeing climbing with no harm whatsoever) i slipped on a crosswalk and shattered my knee.

But wait, there is more. Ignored the pain cos was hungry and went to the restaurant. Ordered a soup.
Lost conciuosness and slammed right into the plate. I was told i blacked out for 2 minutes.

Ambulance was called. When I was being transported to the vehicle (because while my mind was fully awake my body had like 5 % of stregth, barely enough to be able to drink water from a straw) i realised I pissed myself.

But wait, there is more. When we were driving to the hospital some shit fell down right on my hurt knee because of the speed bump. Small stuff, but enough to cause more pain.

But wait, there is more.

I had several injections, including teutanus (or whatever the shit's called when you hurt yourself to not get nasty shit from the ground), blood tests, heart tested, even got a brain scan. I still felt like shit and could barely stay awake. Because of all was happening I got really sick and puked for a solid minute and I mean it. Puke, short break to get at least some oxygen and puke again.

Suprisingly, 10 minutes after I regained most of my strentgh. Waited for results to find out whats happening to me.

Tl:dr - perfect blood tests, heart like a teenager, nothing in the brain (kek). They don't know. Ended up being dismissed after getting the iv and doctor suggested i should see a psychiatrist. Yea, no shit sherlock, but thats not the reason I felt like my body was dying.

It's second time in my life when doctors have no fucking clue whats happening to me. Few years ago I had this nasty skin condition, it looked like I was dead, rotting, post mortem lividity. Had several tests, got my skin ripped of me, was seen by a group of professors. Nothing. Doctor gave up saying i was allergic to shirt. Yeah, no, thanks for trying.

On the happy news I hatched Tangela there and Hitmonlee and after a year I completed my Pokemon Go pokedex so #worthIt and i mean it
Wait a sec, after typing this... I never connected those 2 things but come to think of it...

Skin looks like rotting, random black outs.

Somebody is trying to turn me into a fucking undead. I would be up for it, but i dint think normal girls dig dead, disgusting guys and I'd love to fuck someone one day and maybe have a daughter. Also it would be hard to find a job when you reek.
It indeed was. I completed my pokedex and now my knee is rotting (ok, i lie, but normal people have dusgusting, cool scabs, mine are shiny and flat :( ) so I will embrace Papa Nurgle soon enough
Just before in other thread I posted a screenshot of me and my waifu on the hawaiian beach but...

I see that ameritards still say that nuking Japan was an act of heroism from US. The same people are now afraid and shit their pants about thought that some ching chong might nuke them instead. Please make up your mind if nuking innocent people is good or bad, because even I cant stand this level of hypocrisy.

I love how the world still talks about minor stuff like 9/11 but biggest act of terrorism in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is like COOL BRO.
Gotta love HBO.

Wake up in the morning, casually browse youtube while drinking tea, suddenly SPOILERS from official channel.

So you close youtube and viist facebook on afternoon. FUCK YOU EUROPOORS, SPOILERS EVERYWHERE from official channel.

Not only ameritards somehow get everything sooner, but somehow they cant wait 20~~ hours until the rest of the world sees it. Who do I pay for the HBO is beyond me, should just pirate and watch before it gets spoiled for me.
New fucking layout on youtube,

Giant black space, everything is giant, UI is garbage and the new red burns my eyes. Im sure if I did something like that at my work id get fired.

But whatever, somehow you can still revert to the old layout BUT FUCKING ICONS ON TAB ARE STILL EYERAPING RED (old icon for comparison, i didnt refresh the tab yet)


Colors is like 101 in webdesign, why would you pick this one WHAT THE FUCK GOOGLE, did you just hire blind females, because you obviously hate man who do their job correctly?