The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

Honestly I think in a lot of cases this world has become disconnected because we are advancing so fast. Biologically some people might not be all that compatible with the pace the world is moving at. Even if we are capable of assimilating all these changes on some level, that does not necessarily mean we are in our optimal environment with work life and social structures and everything on-demand. Everyone is in a state of constant worry and haste, living a life that revolves around corporate productivity and uncertainty and backwards priorities, plus one-touch easy access technology and a constant bombardment of information totally fucking up our mental balance.

I love technology, ever since I got a computer back in 1992 when I was only 7 I was obsessed. I wasted a lot of my time in front of a monitor like a bad addiction. I know I'm smarter because of my craving for information and I had access thanks to having a computer since I was young, but biologically I'm probably better suited to a more humble and practical life. I should have been working with my hands and focusing on more real life skills that would serve me in any situation like most of my family, but I chose to be a nerd. When my father tried to get me to help him rebuild his Harley I was taking apart my computer.

So maybe there is something to be said for just being a fucking farmer and ditching the corporate and technological mess we're all living in now.

Well, at least u smash bruh

I'm not saying I do, but I could if I were desperate enough and went looking for an easy lay at some bar. I don't enjoy that kind of forgettable thing though, and I hate bars. I want something deeper, but at the same time I can't establish that kind of relationship.
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Well, while i obviously enjoy internet and technology, the internet certainly "ruined everything". Im not even gonna mention, that thanks to the WWW every idiot can be heard and find more idiots like him.
What happened is the world suddenly became so small. I cant contact anyone anywhere in a matter of seconds. I can google any information I want (unless its for my obscure exams at university that is), any image I want, any music, video etc etc.

I feel like Ive probably mentioned it before, but i certainly feel symptoms of "content overload". Back in the day where internet was almost noxesitent for normal people we shared "memes" via floppy disks or the ones included on CDs in some magazines. And that was it. We could rewatch it a thousand times, and still was funny. Nowadays I rarely find something that makes me laugh.
And the same goes for music. I can have access to any music I want, and because of that I listened to everything that i would consider top tier and cant settle with worse. I dont think ill ever be able to listen to metal almost excusively again. It's soundtracks for me now mostly. But how long until I start getting bored with them too.

And because we are connected with millions of people I feel like it's virtually impossible to "exist". You are no one, anything you do, someone else does it better and I can google them in 10 seconds.

I also typed so much with my keyboard that i write faster than I speak. And my speaking abilitied really took a hit. I stutter, and feel like im a lot dumber than when I write. Give me the keyboard mounted to my body and voice synthethizer and I will never open my mouth again. That's terryfing.

And finally yes, I agree, I dont think we are biologically fit to exist in a world that advances so fast. Generation born when internet is in full bloom have it much easier now, making gaps between generations even bigger.

But would I discard the technology? Nope. Offer me exoskeleton and I will wear it. Id probably improve my limbs too. Would be afraid to do something with my eyes, but would probably give in eventually. Implants / chips for the brain to boost abilities? Sure, when its safe. One thing I wouldnt do is transfer my conciousness to machine. Im not ever parting with my brain and I wont be copied, because thats what it would be, copying and destroying the original. No thanks, ill pass.

I'm not saying I do, but I could if I were desperate enough and went looking for an easy lay at some bar. I don't enjoy that kind of forgettable thing though, and I hate bars. I want something deeper, but at the same time I can't establish that kind of relationship.

Well, i could always pay a hooker but tbh, I dont really give a fuck about putting my penis anywhere. Im so disconneted from human contact that its on the bottom list of my priorties. But at the same time I feel kinda sad that I would be unable to create a healthy relationship. It would probably end up with me not paying enough attention or too much attention, since I can obsess over things.

Well, thats a lot of confessions today. Would i say it in RL? Probably not. On the internet nobody gives a fuck, so why the hell not.

And while were at philosophical stuff - we achieved so much and still dont know what the fuck is universe. I want answers, unless they would scare the shit out of me (like black holes, they make me sweaty).
re Belac's original post: dude I firmly believe most everyone is like that, it's just the level of awareness that differs. We're a dysfunctional race. The key is to view this as normal, not to bother and to enjoy the life as is.
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So it happens that I just stumbled upon an artricle about japanese people "renting families and friends".

I find it fascinating how in their world, where work is life they just dont give a fuck anymore and openly buy cuddling services or rent a friend for a day, or pay someone to greet them at their doors when they go back from work.
Don't know if it's just too sad or I should be happy that they manage in this way.
Spent last few days working on a group project. 8 hours daily and yesterday 14 hours, meaning I didnt sleep today.


Because it was a project meant for 3 people, but 1 dude, being typical polack, decided cinema and traveling is more important. Today I printed shit he posted about professors at the uni and sending it to the Dean. I will destroy this retard.
Poland is the most badass country in the EU, much respect \m/ especially this guy, he takes no shit

Badass as in:
Being poor as fuck
Calling working people "thieves" (yes, literally). Their recent slogan is "we took millions from the thieves and gave it to children".
Stream of money sent towards their supporters + cheaper food, gas for priests and members of supporting organisations.
Every second member of ruling party has criminal or shady record or are recently in court for beating their wives or shit like that. But they wont get a sentence, since ruling party took over courts and judges that dont listen to them are taken care of.
I could go on and on

Yeah, pretty badass if you're retarded and support them. Otherwise holy shit.

PS Their party is called Law and Justice. Lmao.
Sounds like a Republican utopia. Which is basically hell. If I ever go to Poland I'll try to eat as much food as possible and run, doesn't sound like my kind of country these days. At least you have some good game developers and music?
Yes, it's became hell in 2015. It was never perfect, but I guess no country is perfect. Now there is no redemption for it, because the actual citizens are allowing it and like it, cheap whores that are easly bribed. I hope I live a long life and die elsewhere, because dying in this shithole would now be actually insulting.

Food is great though, I have yet to eat bad chicken soup.

As for game developers, not my cup of tea nowadays. Open worlds ruining plot flow. Music? I don't know, don't really like polish music since 95% of the cases the lyrics are absolute garbage, but then again it's time to write something good in polish that doesnt sound edgy.

I can recommend the folk though lol:

Oh, folk reminded me of one more thing, nature devastation. "Nice forest you got there, it would be a shame if we fucking destroyed it". "Oh, beavers are there(endangered species here). Well, who do we pay to ignore this?"

His growls are getting even worse. At least few years back his highs were still good. In this song he doesnt even use highs and lows are bad and flat.

RIP Opeth
It's not surprising considering he hardly uses his growls anymore. Although they were going when he was using them too much as well. I think it might be bad technique catching up to him, he always did have kind of a hoarse sounding growl. He peaked over 10 years ago, and after he quit smoking and he got older I think it became hard to maintain that kind of tone.

Also, the growl he is using in that video sounds like he is using a more relaxed technique in general, probably to save his voice for the clean vocals which is the focus of his music now. Intense growls do tend to change your singing voice, I know my voice shifts down a couple semitones after an intense growling session.
Fuck, I sound like Worf from Star Trek afterwards. lol. Only if I go way overboard though, normally it doesn't affect my speaking voice at all unless I use like every range and do it for 4 hours straight.
I actually recorded it and stuck it in the middle of a vocal track for a Sleepwalkers song, just to fuck with Mike when he was mixing it :lol:. This was after many hours of everything from Black Metal shrieks to low Doom growls.

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Lmao. Well, I'm envious, I'd rather have lower voice after my throat is fucked up. But I have naturally rather high voice, so maybe that's why. Makes me wonder if I had lower voice I would be able to make even lower growls.

Bonus butthurt:
People say Trump is filled with vanity.
Polish minister of internal affairs might make him look like a chump when it comes to this.

Few months ago he ordered to drop confetti from fucking helicopter as he walked to kneel before some silly statue.
Few weeks ago he ordered a red carpet to be rolled out in front of him as he carries his fat, worthless body.

1st of september he was celebrating (yes, he, and soldiers with police he forced to do that probably) the start of war in 1939.
At 4:45 AM.
While firing fucking guns. While playing loud war music.
Again, the city and people living there didnt know anything about that.

People rulling this country are so fucking retarded "i cant even" at this point. Every second one has escaped from psychiatric ward.
4 last nights were fucking shit.
1st part of sleep is ez pz, then middle of the night, wake up, try to go back to sleep and in this state between reality and dreams i have half dreams. Of people googling stupid shit. I mean really stupid. My brain wouldnt stop forcing me to watch blue color. Blue ball. Blue paper. Then i was seeing some articles, dont remember what they were about. Then a spoon in a teacup for ages.

Cant even describe how exhausting and infuriating that is. One more night like that and ill go mad. If they were dreams, fine, but again, its something between dreaming and being awake.