The Great Depression/Butthurt thread

I also love sleeping 2 hours a day like tonight. I dont feel tired and sleepy at all and thank jesus, i dont have to spend entire day on classes :)
I love my job and the work I do but man my colleagues are so fucking boring it is killing me. I hate our coffeebreaks, there is never anything interesting to talk about. fml
:lol:. that does suck. i felt that way at school at first but there was enough people that at least a couple of them ended up being interesting enough to hang out with

i wish i could find work :/.
RIP Zombie Poland 1918-2015

Looks like our new president will be christian fanatic, wanting to imprison everyone using modern medicine and stopping nuclear plants from being build.
Time to modify cars and computers so they can run on coal. Polan can into coal.

Putin, save us.