The greater Accolade.

Which song do you like more?

  • The Accolade

    Votes: 24 54.5%
  • Accolade II

    Votes: 20 45.5%

  • Total voters


Sep 16, 2001
Im interested to know what people think is the better of the two Accolade songs. Personally, I think the first one is so much better. It fits perfectly as a song, and is my favorite piece of music from the band. I was disappointed to hear that most of the second was a lot of recycled material from the original.
Sympozium said:
I was disappointed to hear that most of the second was a lot of recycled material from the original.

Do you actually expect a sequal to not have things from the original? Thats what making a sequal is all about. And thats one of the reasons I liked it so much! If they hadn't put stuff from the original into the sequel(which I think they did beautifully), then they could not have called it the Accolade 2. And I would have been disapointed.

By the way, I'm not voting because I like both of them about the same.
I do not expect a sequal to have almost every melody from the original in it, no. That is what I would call a remix, because like a remix, I think they took stuff from the original, and made it worse.
I think the guys did a great job of keeping II different enough from the original to dispell any worries about this song just being a rip off of the original. you obviously disagree, but I personally think II is a great song on its own.

Something to think about...

#1) SyX isn't commercially known well enough to warrant a lousy sequel song the likes of Metallica's Unforgiven 2. What a piece of crap that was. And it was done totally for commercial reasons. Not so with Accolade II. the guys wanted to continue a story from one of their most loved songs and it was perfect for it. They did it for the fans of the original and probably a lot for themselves.
#2) SyX has absolutely no reason to write a sequel except for the fact that the story line followed perfectly behind the original. This could have been it's own song with no trace of the original if they simply changed the keyboard segues.
#3) SyX are excellent songwriters and wouldn't have to stoop to ripping off their own ideas to rehash some crap.

I think II is a great song! The only reason I gave the nod to the original was because it was "the original" and also for Russel's "hymnal" sounding vocals over the keyboard/pipe organ sound. The song is a SyX classic and the sequel is almost as good!

Last point, I don't see how you could say that they took stuff from the original and made it worse. I think the parts they used to tie the songs together were done masterfully. But, you're entitled to your opinion.
It wasn't until I started listening to them back to back. Then I realized how the story just flowed together so nicely. As 2 different songs, though, I still prefer the original, possibly because of the CD it is on, a part of that brilliant piece of work.
The original. II is amazing, but the original is the original. It brings a tear to my eye when the part comes where Russel sings "The sword he once held tight, FALLS FOREVER FROM HIS HAAAAAAAAAANDS..!"

And the second one is definetly a sequel, because the story ties in perfectly...
Accolade 1 slightly better than Accolade 2..but I do love them both equally. To me, A2 is just the continuation of A1..and are best listened to together. It's a hard choice because they're both so brilliant.
sympozium said:
I do not expect a sequal to have almost every melody from the original in it, no. That is what I would call a remix, because like a remix, I think they took stuff from the original, and made it worse.

Its called developing a theme or musical motif, its very common in classical music. Since Accolade II is a continuation of I, they took the themes and melodies in I and developed them...changed the keys, rearanged them a little differently, etc. Its most definately not a "remix"

Listen to them back to back, you'll see what I mean. I didn't appriciate it quite as much as I do now until I did that. BTW I think Accolade II is better ;) I don't compare them as "the original verses a new one" I think of the 2nd one as the 2nd part of the story. Do you compare The Two Towers to Fellowship of the Ring and say Fellowship is the "original"?
Yngvai X said:
BTW I think Accolade II is better ;) I don't compare them as "the original verses a new one" I think of the 2nd one as the 2nd part of the story. Do you compare The Two Towers to Fellowship of the Ring and say Fellowship is the "original"?

LOL. Dude, I was thinking about bringing the LOTR movies into this.
Well put.
I love sequels, I can't wait for The Return of the King.
I even think that the way SX came out of the Accolade 2, they could probably make a 3rd song taking themes from both accolades and have a trilogy.

Then like star wars they could have a prequel trilogy. LOL The original would have to become The Accolade: Episode 4. Killer idea huh. :)

J/k guys.