The Greatest Video Game of All Time

Evil C. said:
Y's freaking ruled!!! I bought a turbo grafx back in the day for the game. good news, they are making a new y's game next year!!!

evil c.
:kickass: Oh yes, I am waaaaaaaaay looking forward to Ys VI, my hopes are that it gets popular enough so parts IV and V will be released in the US, I am still DYING to play these two games, 13 years later. :erk:
There are only two games that can compete for the best game ever title:

Goonies II and Megaman II, both for NES. Those games has the best gameplay and best music ever.
Erik said:

This is probably the best PC game ever. It absolutely slays any other gay shit like anything from the Warcraft, Starcraft, or Command & Conquer series. I've ranted about its greatness about a zillion times on this forum already but it slays.

Agreed, Let me know if you'd like to play a match. I've got this 3rd party unit pack though which you need to download if so. Anyway it improves the game greatly and adds some really cool units and buildings.
Erik said:

This is probably the best PC game ever. It absolutely slays any other gay shit like anything from the Warcraft, Starcraft, or Command & Conquer series. I've ranted about its greatness about a zillion times on this forum already but it slays.
TA rlz, but I think Starcraft and the first C&C is maybe its equal. Have you played Total Annihilation Kingdoms?
Vilden said:
Goonies II and Megaman II, both for NES.
Very good choices, I spent a lot of time on Megaman II in my youth.

Total Annihilation is $5.99 brand new on, that's worth a "wonder if I'll like this" purchase.
Erik said:
spaffe: What unit pack are you talking about now? I'm generally wary of using anything that's not Cavedog (3.1c patch + extra units + maybe the Core Contingency units and maps)

Well what I have was sent to me by a friend of mine and it was the entire game folder with everything sorted so I don't know what it's called. It's an extremly large, well-balanced and ambitious adition anyway, with heaps of new units, even unit types. But seeing your old school leanings perhaps it's pointless trying to convince you of it's superiority, yes?
Hehe well the units are not essential (but very much fun), the game is well balanced as it is, but I had grown pretty tired of it and had not played it at all if not for that unit pack. But of course it makes all original units more or less obsolete since most of the new units have new (and more powerful) weapons and can take a lot more damage. I haven't read any patch txt or similar so I don't really now what minor details are also changed, but for one the towers are a lot less powerful.
I won against Erik after having played the game 4 times or something like that when he had YEARS AND YEARS of experience. He blamed it on the fact that we played on a metal map so we tried another and I DEVASTRUKTED ALL IN SIGHT yet again, oh that sweet feeling. I still build squadrons of scouts and think HAR HAR IMMA KILLIM because I kida suck
deliverance said:
I called this the greatest video game evAr once, but since I only played through it once (and still haven't beaten it), I had to rescind its title. If I ever go back and annihilate it, I'll think about getting the sequels.
Okay, I shall destroy MGS by year end (it's only a 10 hour game afterall) and then buy MGS 2 for $6 on

One of these days I need to beat Final Fantasy X. Heh, one of these days I need to beat Final Fantasy VII, I only stopped playing it 6 years ago. :dopey:
Erik said:
Yeah weakened towrers would be good for boring fucking porcers like fotmbm who spend all their fucking time and resources on building 93848934298 Punishers/Guardians so his base is nearly impregnable, however since I'm far smarter and realize that you don't win by building ridiculous amounts of defense systems, I usually win after amassing a ridiculously huge army and continuously sending a stream of heavy units trying to make their way through endless fields of debris to reach his annoying fucking plasma turrets. Fuck that shit :p

But anyway, we should play after I get back to Umeå (I am on 56k now and don't have the game on this computer anyway)

Hehe yeah that's a lame strategy, and a boring way to play as well
I kind of suck since I only started playing it again a few weeks ago, but we shall see.

Sure, I will be going down south on wednesday though, which means no proper puter until I return the 10th of january or so.
One Inch Man said:
Very good choices, I spent a lot of time on Megaman II in my youth.
Yeah me too, and still do, though nowdays I play it over and over again to clear it as fast as possible, you know speedruns.
Frogger > Pacman

Also Pacland was pretty fun, chock full of crazy hyper cartoon goodness, like Mappy Land. VIDEO GAMES ON CRACK!!!



These games used to freak me out, but I still loved them.