the hate thread

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ender7227 said:
IHATE with unsepakable loathing that the forum I was all excited about being a mod ofr just turned from a general music forum to a porn forum. Fuck that shit. I am so PISSED. Thoth, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was happening. RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Whats wrong with that :erk: :kickass:
Simple. I hate porn. I've said that a few times on here. I can't think of a more vapid, shallow and unimaginative motherfucking idea. I despise it. It has nothing to do with me being bisexual, it has everything to do with a simple loathing of watching other people have sex. I do want to have sex, very much so, but I can't stand porn. Some of it turns me on, some of it makes me sick to my stomach with loathing. I can't think of a better way to describe it.
You're not odd Ender, some men can see through the film to the underlying scum. My boyfriend is the same way, he sees how disgusint porn is, and how degrading it is to women (usually, I'm not saying always okay?)

There's only a certain kind of porn I can stomach watching, mainly the older stuff, or ''erotica" if you will, and none of that "let's find some girl (hooker/paid actress) on the street and show her some green and then she'll take her shirt off" shit. Or the kind where the women are so sculpted (literally, sculpted) and slathered in make up that they look like an almost entirely different species than the hairy ape men.

I like to read some Erotica now and again :|

edit: But porn just isn't geared towards women, at all. It's geared entirely toward men. And I can't tell you what a turn off it is to see the women being smacked around and treated like 5 year old girls. The only thing that might make you understand is to imagine you being treated like that by men--- it wouldn't be very arousing, would it?
I'm not saying I think rough sex is bad, but it's just so fake and all the men seem to have these fucking issues where they have to be in total control and tell them to do everythign and anything.

And like i've said before, I rarely RARELY see cunnilingus performed on internet porn. It's never anywhere.
seriously the more degrading the better in my book

its kind of worrying really i dunno if this represents some underlying hatred of women or something
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