the hate thread

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ender7227 said:
I get that he's ridiculing me. I don't need your help to see that both him and Krig were making fun of me.

Yeah, but you didn't get that I was ridiculing you. :cool:
"Honestly I laugh, but I feel bad afterwards"
It's pretty obvious.
Don't you get that I'm not going to try to retort the people who make fun of me? It serves no purpose, except for entertain them. I am here for my own entertainment and to try to get into more underground metal, which during the course of my membership here I have developed a real love for. So I'm not going to dance like a fucking monkey for trolls anymore.
Maybe you should just let the one side of you that smokes cock away from this board and behave like a proper human being. Metal isn't about political correctness and gays, so you'd have been better off not posting emo pics and admitting you enjoy watching the boiz in the locker room.
Panzerkunt -- Excuse me? When did my sexuality become a part of this motherfucking discussion? I don't look at every fucking guy that walks by. I don't see how that is ANY fucking business of yours. I'm not on here talking about my girlfriend, am I? My personal business is mine and mine alone. I post comments about my sexuality for humor and that is all. How do you even know if I'm seriously bi? You don't. That being said, I fail to follow your fucked up logic about how I'd have been better off being a complete dumbfuck rather than being self depreciating in my humor. Save your fucking time giving me advice, I don't need it.
ender7227 said:
I hate my father. He spends all his fucking time criticizing me then gets all emotional and overreacts when he notices that I don't like it. Jesus tapdancing Christ.

You could write shitty whining songs about your daddy like Johnathan Davis did for years with Korn. I actually wish the rest of them would all find Jesus like Head did, so that Korn would finally die and stop putting out horrendous shit that not even their fans like or buy anymore.
(M)aggoT said:
I used to have that as my avatar on a different forum.
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