the hate thread

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Actually his average for the last 10 games is .308, but since coming back he been hitting .358. The entire team had a shitty series against the Orioles though.
ender7227 said:
I hate the Rangers. They look good every year, but after the All Star break they always fall apart. ALWAYS. But, eh, they won today against the Tigers, so I'm happy for the moment.

I hate my damn giants. They under acheive every fucking year and they always have alot of talent. :erk:
ender7227 said:
I hate the Rangers. They look good every year, but after the All Star break they always fall apart. ALWAYS. But, eh, they won today against the Tigers, so I'm happy for the moment.

Right now,I hate that the Phillies had a 10-1 lead coming into the 6th inning,they take out Randy Wolf,put in Rick White,then they end the inning tied 10-10:OMG:

of course,we won 12-10
I fucking hate the price hikes in UK record shops.


Shop: Celtic Frost - Montheist £16.99 New: Celtic Frost - Monotheist - £6.81
People who post videos of themself on youtube are fucking retarded. They have taken the already stupid concept of a blog and elevated it to a whole new level of suck.

The hope is emo video was obviously a joke, and moderatly amusing at that. "I am like suffocating in despair!"
There is a lot of shitty lead guitarists on youtube that actually think they are good. I hate people that actually can't tell that they suck.
The Greys said:
There is a lot of shitty lead guitarists on youtube that actually think they are good. I hate people that actually can't tell that they suck.
Whats even worse is when someone sucks it hard or are completely average and the lame uninformed idiots who bother to comment say things like "OMG how do you play so fast? thta is the most amazing thing i have ever seen!!!!!!!1" or " H0ly Sh1t Th4t w4s AM4z1ng!! I d1d n0t th1nk pl4y1ng l1ke th4t w4s p0551bl3!!"
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