the hate thread

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(M)aggoT said:
I hate it when in my dreams my teeth are falling out
I think you mean, in your sleep, not in your dreams.According to a superstitious belief, dreams about teeth falling out/toothless mouth, if I'm not mistaken, foreshadow a death in the family. Silly superstitions.
I FUCKING hate this bitch at my school right now. We go through the same shit every year: we start of as great freinds and then we get into an arguement or whatever and stop talking. Now she's started it again for NO FUCKING REASON!!! I am so pissed. I thought that we had put this BULLSHIT behind us and that we were going to get through our senior year without it happening again. She can kiss my ass, I'm not going through this again. I'm not going to talk to her for the rest of the fucking year, she's ruined this freindship and she's not going to get it back.

I also hate that my browser fucked up and I had to retype most of this.
ender7227 said:
I FUCKING hate this bitch at my school right now. We go through the same shit every year: we start of as great freinds and then we get into an arguement or whatever and stop talking. Now she's started it again for NO FUCKING REASON!!! I am so pissed. I thought that we had put this BULLSHIT behind us and that we were going to get through our senior year without it happening again. She can kiss my ass, I'm not going through this again. I'm not going to talk to her for the rest of the fucking year, she's ruined this freindship and she's not going to get it back.

I also hate that my browser fucked up and I had to retype most of this.

You talk about me being emo ?.

Everytime you post something it's dramatized. I hope you get banned

Fuck you fagget!
ender7227 said:
I didn't have any for a while. I thought they were rather funny. I still needs me a sig, but that will work for a while. I need an ava too... I dunno, I don't feel like looking for either right now.

Just put a favorite album cover or something
fag‧got2  /ˈfægət/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fag-uht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Slang (disparaging and offensive). a male homosexual.
Nice spelling. Also, this is interesting:
[Origin: 1910–15, American; cf. faggot a contemptuous term for a woman (from ca. 1590), perh. the same word as fagot]

That being said: You have no right to call my posts emo. That was an emotional post, sure, but the main emotion in it was hate. I hate the bitch, adn I was explaining why. I'm not bitching about my relationship problems or anything like that, so you have no real reason nor right to call my posts emo.
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