the hate thread

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I hate "Christian metal."
I hate those ignorant people who have to criticize everybody who doesn't share the same political/relgious/other beliefs as them.
I hate emo...
... and emo people...
... and people who claim to be "goth" when all they're doing is wearing certain clothes and listening to certain music in order to conform with a certain image... and then cry about how crappy their life is.
Yeah... woe is you.

That's about it.

Earthdog? Is it you?

Hang on, no the spelling's too good.
I hate that I was born in 87 and could not expirience the 80's as a young adult, the 80's seemed like a more fun time and like you could get away easier with degeneration. 70's would probably be a better time actually.
I hate fuckers on Ebay that do not send a payment for a cd they purchase almost 2 weeks later. FUCKS
I hate that I don't have a Wii yet :( I want to play Twilight Princess and I'm really being pathetic about not being able to, fuck having a shitty paying job.
fuck having a shitty paying job.
I was about to get a job 2 days ago. I really wanted that job. Photo designer at the photo studio. It would take like 1,5 hrs to get there from my house (bus+subway+bus) and 1,5 hrs back. I'd have to work every other week, seven days a week. My working day would last 10.00-20.00. = 10 hours being at the PC each day (if not to count my computer at home too). I'd go out at like 8.00 and come back home at 22.00 every day, every other week. And I would earn $14 my each working day. I've refused of that job. But the worst thing is that we dont really have much of alternative here...
That what is shitty.
I was about to get a job 2 days ago. I really wanted that job. Photo designer at the photo studio. It would take like 1,5 hrs to get there from my house (bus+subway+bus) and 1,5 hrs back. I'd have to work every other week, seven days a week. My working day would last 10.00-20.00. = 10 hours being at the PC each day (if not to count my computer at home too). I'd go out at like 8.00 and come back home at 22.00 every day, every other week. And I would earn $14 my each working day. I've refused of that job. But the worst thing is that we dont really have much of alternative here...
That what is shitty.

$1.40 per hour? That is insane
Killer, intruder, homicidal man
If you see me coming run as fast as you can
Blood-thirsty demon who's stalking the street
I hack up my victims like pieces of meat

Blood-thirsty demon, sinister fiend
Bludgeonous slaughter's my evil deed

My hammer's a cold piece of blood-lethal steel
I grin while you writhe with the pain that I deal
Swinging the hammer, I hack through their heads
Deviant defilers, you're next to be dead
I unleash my hammer with sadistic intent
Pounding, surrounding, slamming through your head

Bodies convulse in agony, and pain
I mangle their face till no features remain
A blade for the butchering, I cut them to shreds
First take out the organs, then cut off the head
The remains of flesh now sop under my feet
One more bloody massacre, the murder's complete
I seek to dismember, a sadist fiend
Bloodbath's my way of getting clean

I lurk in the alley wait for the kill
I have no remorse for the blood that I spill
A merciless butcher who lives underground
I'm out to destroy and I will cut you down
I see you and I'm waiting for Black Friday
Turn me loose!

Killer, intruder, homicidal man
If you see me coming run as fast as you can
A blood-thirsty demon who's stalking the street
I hack up my victims like pieces of meat

Blood-thirsty demon, sinister fiend
Bludgeonous slaughter's my evil deed A merciless butcher who lives underground
I'm out to destroy you and I will cut you down

It's Black Friday, paint the devil on the wall
:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
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