the hate thread

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my ex girlfriend used to say (paraphrasing) "only fat boys and stupid boys really like metal cos theres no point in them trying to sing to girls or meet them at concerts anyway" and i used to tell her she was a bitch but then she pointed out that i'm neither of those and don't really like metal very much so i wasn't offended anymore... and she said she understood why i like black metal cos even tho she didn't like it she understood that it was "intelligent" metal as opposed to "beer" metal.

no real point here....
Yeah because not only do I dress appropriately, work out to stay fit and healthy, strive to get a flashy job that rakes in the doe, keep my home warm and inviting, act responsible and restrain my natural urge to hump every female in sight, I also choose to listen to music that I can serenade women with and is of the nature of not being too loud or scary so I can pick women up at concerts.

Every aspect of my life is evolved around pleasing women in the ambition of being able to attract every one of them I meet and not offend them with bad characteristics such as liking music that speaks of devastating things.

I love my life.

people don't hate emo music, people hate the emo mallgoth lifestyle

same with some metalcore, there are a few good bands but the faggot karate kick kids ruin it and made it into As I Lay Dying...there are a few good hardcore bands but that was ruined also...


krig also likes Winger.
you feeling ok?

Do me a favor, go listen to 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal AND City of Caterpillar without any predispositions on how the music will turn out, then come back to me and tell me that emo is shit.

However I am not feeling good, I'm about to puke my entire stomach contents out but I can't rest when I feel like shit so here I am.
Do me a favor, go listen to 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal AND City of Caterpillar without any predispositions on how the music will turn out, then come back to me and tell me that emo is shit.

However I am not feeling good, I'm about to puke my entire stomach contents out but I can't rest when I feel like shit so here I am.

Bollocks. 1000 Travels of Jawaharlal isn't that great. Granted it's catchy as fuck at times and those Japs are fucking crazy, but there is nothing in that music that keeps a person to listen over and over. The riffs are usually bland and don't go anywhere.
1000 Travels are quite possibly my favorite screamo band for whatever reason,
when I'm in the emo mood they're about the first thing I go to listen to.
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