the hate thread

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sometimes when i'm sitting in my car with the window down, and an old woman approaches, i'll roll the window up real fast, slam the lock down, and then lean down low and peek over the edge looking all frightened, and watch her pass, like she's the one who'll rob me.

just to fuck with em'.
Sometimes I push an old women across the road at night and leave her in middle. I'm just trying to help her.
Don't you hate it when you ask old people old people how they're doing or waaaasssssuuuup, and they say 'I'm just waiting to die' or something like that, what the fuck are you meant to say to that?!
I think it's fucking hilarious that Krig wastes his time trying to find reasons to hate an entire state. For all he knows, his dream woman could be living there but his retarded ass would never find her because he has some ignorant "hatred" for it because of a religion that he isn't forced to follow. WELL DONE I SAY!
I think it's fucking hilarious that Krig wastes his time trying to find reasons to hate an entire state. For all he knows, his dream woman could be living there but he's retarded ass would never find her because he has some ignorant "hatred" for it because of a religion that he isn't forced to follow. WELL DONE I SAY!

I hate fucking El Nino... you perople crying that it hasn't even snowed yet, try coming here where we're our fucking water reserves are down to 3% and they'll last another good 3 months. Then you'll have something to fucking cry about. Fuck.
I hate how the cursor on one of my computers suspeciously moves diogonally to the left top without any movement of the mouse. Either its:

a. Haunted.

b. Too sensitive and picking up earth's rotation. :zombie:
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