the hate thread

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i hate this kid tom who thinks that joey jordison is better than neil peart and john bonham and that the guitarist in slipknot is better than jimmy page...he also goes on to say that MC5 created all metal (i will admit that they were an influence but they were not by any means the first metal band) and he bashes real metal and says that bands like Dismember and Entombed and Carcass are garbage...and he claims that slipknot's first album was black metal and death metal

I'm glad that the people I know who are backward in metal knowledge aren't NEARLY this ignorant. :lol:

this entire thread's existance was justified by this post. it was all leading up to that.

Respected philosophers have called an emergency summit to see if all of recorded history has been building up to this point. It may, actually, constitute the answer to "what is the meaning of life?"
I fucking hate some of the bands I have seen on Redemption TV recently, but especially:

Bring Me The Horizon
Enter Shikari

May a pox be among these cunts.
I hate that I was sick since Monday, and today is the first day I feel normal again
I hate Bush and Cheney, and would like to see them at the end of a rope
I hate the following celebrities: Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Tom Cruise, Justin Timberlake, Aston Kutcher, LeBron James (all basketball players, actually), 50 Cent (all rappers, actually), and more
I hate that it's Saturday but feels like Friday
I hate pc faggots
Hey, don't mess with The Greys. Bend over and take it like a man.

Anywayz, I hate 50 Cent. He bores me... he offers nothing new the the rap scene and realy just puts a worse image on rap cause that's all we see blaring on the TV all the time.

so do I, I really don't get the appeal of 50 Cent. maybe some my pals with mental retardation from "Hotlanta" can see the appeal, but not me. Then again, I listen to music that is considered pointless noise to most people so what do I know.
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