the hate thread

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I fucking hate White Zombie, Rob Zombie and anything that bearded fucknut has ever been involved with. Not topical I know, but the only worthy thing he's ever done is have the grace to be non-prolific.

I thought devil music was pretty cool. I guess it was better when I was younger regardless. Rob Zombies solo projects do indeed suck.
Rob Zombie is fun sometimes. He better not to make movies though...

I hate that I'm a wuss and I still can't make myself watch the Saddam's execution video.
Rob Zombie is fun sometimes. He better not to make movies though...

I enjoyed both his movies regardless them not being original and more tribute retrospective of his influences. I think he is a much better artist when it comes to drawing than being a vocalist, he's a shitty musician.
Yeah, and just annihilated 180 000 of kurds. Almost nothing ;)

Yeah, my point is that there are other world leaders that are still in power that have killed far more and....

Ah, I don't have the heart or inclination to go all Michael Moore. Fuck it, dig him up and hang the cunt again :kickass:
I enjoyed both his movies regardless them not being original and more tribute retrospective of his influences. I think he is a much better artist when it comes to drawing than being a vocalist, he's a shitty musician.
Well, I guess his movies are just full of disgusting shit and thats all. Not much of professionality.
Well, I guess his movies are just full of disgusting shit and thats all. Not much of professionality.

They're are suppose to be disgusting shit. He's trying to recapture old classic horror movies like say the texas chainsaw massacre and the sleaze factor is needed. When you watch these movies you should find them disgusting and fucked up. A lot of people could not sit though them without turning them off because of the language alone and slight degradation of females and sexes in general. The violence,etc.. should not ruin the fact that he is still is an artist with influences just like anyone else, onlt difference being subject matter. He's nothing more than say a death metal band that is influenced by horror movies. For example older zombie classics and disgusting over the top oldschool classics like re-animator and dead alive influence me.

For newer horror movies the hills have eyes remake was more over the top than rob zombies movies and basically any new horror movie or remake. I bet it will make you feel really uncomfortable and you will be disgusted by what you are seeing. I never really found Wes Craven over the top until seeing his remake of this.
Yeah. I do like the Saw movies but thought the director was holding back and they should have been more over the top.
Saw 3 is pretty brutal, he realy let things go more over-the-top. And just cause it's not a gorefest doesn't mean it can't fuck with yah. Saw II was pretty bad though, I will admit that, and they realy limited themselves for more comercial success there. Saw III though... wow... great movie.

Rob Zombie's I found kinnda held back. When I saw the uncut version of House of 1000 Corpses I was like "oh...". It was a great movie, but I just felt it was lacking that certain flare. Still in my top horror movies.
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