the hate thread

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Dragonforce are still quality. Id like to see you play guitar, drums, keyboards and sing like them.

I won't say DF completely sucks. I bought their latest album awhile ago with the advice of a friend ("the solos are awesome, man") and it's ok. However, Herman can be slop and the music can be quite cheesy. I listen to that album as much as I do Mortician. I have to be in those rare moods.
dragonforce is like eating an 11 pound bag of M&Ms in one sitting. sure, the first quarter-pound or so is tasty if just for the novelty of consuming so much blatant crap, but after a while it basically becomes you telling yourself "i love M&Ms *crunch crunch uhh im gonna vomit* NO I LOVE M&MS *crunch dry heave crunch* NO I MUST BE HAVING FUN I MEAN LOOK AT ALL THESE FUCKING M&Ms *crunch crunch staring blankly at the wall in a sugar coma crunch crunch*".
Dragonforce are tolerable in small dosages, that's about it.

As to what I hate... I hate bands that have such poor recording that you just hear "fizzle... POP... RAWR... more fizzle... double POP... ka-rawr!". Like yah, I understand a lower production in black metal, but please... there is a limit.
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