the hate thread

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Yeah being old and lonely would totally suck. But only do it when you are 100% positive she is the right one. Infact the last women I got with with exactly the same. I got with her for the hell of it, but she was so much more into me it just seemed weird, so she had to go.
Yeah. If you date a woman that you're not really into she will be much more into you than you are into her, and you will feel like she is pestering you when she gets all clingy and calls every day, and then you start to resent (and almost, in a way, hate) her.
I don't know if I've said this before.

But I hate shitty production, where the blastbeats/drums drown out the guitars to the point where you can't easily make out the riffs. Unfortunately, there are even instances of this on some of the greatest death metal and black metal albums ever recorded.

I'm sure this is one of the few "I hate's" in this thread that is actually metal related.

I fucking hate it when bands have shitty production
I fucking hate it when bands have shitty production

Define shitty production.

Production that simply doesn't work with the music (such as the bullshit overproduction of A Night at the Opera) or raw production that black metal typically has.

If you mean raw production than refer to it as that from now on.
shitty raw, unclear, weak sounding production is what I hate

overproduced irritates me as well but nowhere near as much

(I'm not a black metal fan at all)

Ah, well please refer to that as raw production as to avoid confusion. Not to say that raw is always good, Vlad Tepes for example have shitty raw production, while early Belenos has great raw production. Just as Blind Guardian have shitty clean production now, and Agalloch has great clear production.
...And she has to collect comics... :)

I already got that covered myself:lol:

wow you just eliminated like 99% of women from ever being your wife (unless you are planning to convert them into a baseball fan/metalhead)

edit: was that too conservative of a guess?? I'm thinking it's 100% outside of nikkie

Just because you haven't met them doesnt mean they don't exist moron. I know like 7 in my own neighborhood. ( They listen to metalcore/hardcore but I'll take it)
And wipe your ass for you.


I don't need anyone too wipe my ass but will need a wife to do my laundry,vacuum,dishes,etc... and when she's on her period will use paper plates and cups. I think I need to meet a hot rich jew girl with rich parents and make it easy on myself!

Someones going to have to balance the check book,etc..

I can barley fill out the slips to take money out of my own bank account let alone do all that stuff.
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