I just got back from Utopia and said cds were bought:
Death Cult Armageddon - Dummu Borgir (
I also got for free... DIMMU BORGIR CANDY! The tr00est candy ever, eat it and become a sexual tyrannosaur.)
Dance Of Death - Iron Maiden (Turns out if you take a big black texta and run it all over the cover it works a lot better! Got the single for free too, which is good.)
Whoracle - In Flames (Was on my amazon list but it was the one cd holding up about 10 others so I cancelled it and just bought it here, nice silvery deluxe edition cover too. Spesh.)
The Wolf - Andrew WK (The second song is called Long Live The Party, its good to see some things never change
Anthems Of Rebellion - Arch Enemy (With the 5.1 dvd thingy, looking forward to hearing that)
Legends, The Tower and Middle Earth - Bob Catley (Got these 3 because When Empires Burn is just about the cd of the year, so if his other stuff is half as good ill be happy.)
Thank you, come again.