The haul thread

Get Ghost, One Light Burns and Thick Is The Skin, if you like all those, then you wont mind the rest either too much Winmar, its not that its a BAD cd, its just kind of boring :)
Just because I happen think Talk Dirty To Me is nowhere near one of their best songs hahaha. How can that song even come close to anything off Open Up & Say Ahh or Flesh & Blood or the heavier songs on LWTCDI?

I think Crack A Smile is ultra-boring but I'll give it another shot... I hated Native Tongue at first but now I quite like it, so who knows.
The Trooper said:
I think Crack A Smile is ultra-boring but I'll give it another shot...

It's a very easy album to like dude. Just add beer and boobs while listening and it's a killer! :rock: :rock:
Which is the one with Richie Kotzen on it?

I don't drink either, but I've no objection at all to the other thing Sydo mentioned :lol:. Glory be to the hills and mountains fair!

Quite a haul coming up for me this week. DoD tomorrow, swiftly followed by four out of the six Queensryche remasters I ordered and an el cheapo KISS DVD called "Rock and Roll Legends" :rock:.

I just got back from Utopia and said cds were bought:

Death Cult Armageddon - Dummu Borgir ( :rock: :rock: :rock: I also got for free... DIMMU BORGIR CANDY! The tr00est candy ever, eat it and become a sexual tyrannosaur.)

Dance Of Death - Iron Maiden (Turns out if you take a big black texta and run it all over the cover it works a lot better! Got the single for free too, which is good.)

Whoracle - In Flames (Was on my amazon list but it was the one cd holding up about 10 others so I cancelled it and just bought it here, nice silvery deluxe edition cover too. Spesh.)

The Wolf - Andrew WK (The second song is called Long Live The Party, its good to see some things never change :rock: )

Anthems Of Rebellion - Arch Enemy (With the 5.1 dvd thingy, looking forward to hearing that)

Legends, The Tower and Middle Earth - Bob Catley (Got these 3 because When Empires Burn is just about the cd of the year, so if his other stuff is half as good ill be happy.)

Thank you, come again.
Its got 6 audio tracks, 3 live ones from the 2002 and 3 album tracks from AOR that were mixed in 5.1, but theres no videos or anything :cry:
Yep, basically you need a home theater styled thing to get the full effect, or a set of 5.1 speakers on your pc if you have a dvd player on your pc :)