The Horror Movie thread

Yeah I have the same feelings on 'ghost' material, in many ways these shows and movie dampen the 'possibility' of there being spirits and the like. However, my wife is really, REALLY into that shit hence me running into that trailer. She watches all my slasher / classic horror material with me, and in exchange I watch the outrageously b rated shit with her (which i've actually grown a taste for) and ghost hunting stuff. One show she will at least admit to being ridiculous, and I do recommend for a good laugh, is Ghost Adventures.
just watched the orfanage, great movie :D

slight slight spoilers (nothing specific)

i was so afraid it was going to end happily, that would have made the movie shit :p
haha, spanish cinema does have its gems :) watch the devil's backbone, not über scary as el orfanato but good ghost flick nonetheless :) also, pan's labyrinth is yet another awesome movie, is supossed to be a movie for the family but damn it has some shocking scenes :)
just saw the collector, that was a great movie :D

surprised actually considering it was supposed to be a SAW prequel. i would say it was better than most of the saw's. and i guess they are makign a sequel to it also, which is great, when the movie ended i definitely wanted more
That movie made me laugh pretty hard. Without giving away too much the goat scene is fucking bizarre.... I dont know how I felt about it as a whole to be honest. I liked it but some parts bugged the shit out of me. It left me... conflicted.
Drag me to hell was refreshing for me. Thoroughly enjoyed it, but it did leave me a bit blank in a couple few minute segments.
mmmm, an example, imagine how it would have looked evil dead with an enormous budget... kinda same humour and such things but with good FXs, love it or hate it... it wasn't bad, I liked it a bit :)
Most of these newer ghost movies seem like a parody of ghost hunters and the like. This one to a more extreme degree, but yeah. They're all pretty bad, but always get the "OMG ITS SO SCARY!" hype along with them for whatever reason.