The Horror Movie thread

I watched the remake of "it's alive " like two days ago and now I regret watching it,they surely have ruined a classic. :/

I just watched this movie last night on XboxLive. TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY!
I swear, if some of the actors (i.e. Dee Wallace and Tom Noonan) weren't in it to give away the fact that it's a new movie, I would have been fooled that it was made in 1982. It's so retro and so perfect in that regard.

I should know...the late 70's and early 80's are my favorite era of horror movies and I watch them almost daily. I know how they are supposed to look and this movie has such insane attention to detail that it just blew my mind.

Definitely worth watching if you have any respect for early 80's horror.
hum... I'm not really sure if that movie came out before/after "babysitter wanted " they both look the same to me and they seem to have the same storyline :u-huh:
Nah, different storylines, but I can see why you'd think that from the trailer.
Also, that movie was pretty generic overall. I think this one had a lot more going for it for all the reasons mentioned above.

Also, I'm going to watch all 3 It's Alive movies and the remake (expecting it to be bad, of course) over the next week or so. I'm on a "killer baby" theme right now.

Oh god. Some horror buffs may think I'm off my rocker, but I think the It's Alive movies are completely lame (for lack of a more suiting word). The first one starts out alright overall, but by the 40 minute mark I couldn't take it anymore.

*Potentially a bit of a spoiler*

Also, I do realize that this point normally shouldn't matter in the horror category, but it makes absolutely no sense. I get that it's a mutation but seriously, how the fuck does a newborn 10 lbs baby get the strength to pull a milkman through a window, and hold him down long enough to kill him (which was about 20 seconds of a full grown man flailing). It's not campy, it's just... dumb.
What's with the current theme of main characters dying at the end of scary movies any more?

I have no problem with the villian winning... but can we atleast make it one of those bad guys that you almost cheer for?
Hallows' Eve can only be allowed to pass with the viewing of many many horror movies. I watched Inside, Dead Alive, Halloween (I had too, even though at first I wasn't sure I wanted to), and my personal favourite horror movie of all time, Alien.

And now to break it all up by watching E.T. (hey it takes place in the Halloween season!) and finish off with something retro as fuck to complete my night. I can't decide what to watch though

Tomorrow I shall maybe see The House of the Devil or if I can manage it Let the Right One In ("Låt den rätte komma in" in it's original Swedish language). Has anyone here seen either of those?
It's the original with subtitles. Remakes piss me off, especially when studios do it jsut because half the people out there are stupid and illiterate and won't watch something good just because it has subtitles
Watched Halloween (the original), Dracula (Bela Lugosi), Night of the Living Dead, the Eye, the Ring and dozens more on tv in the last week. Also went to screenings of Dracula (with Gary Oldman) and Nosferatu on Friday and Saturday.

I'm looking forward to seeing Paranormal Activity, but have to wait 'til it's released here on the 25th :erk:
It's the original with subtitles. Remakes piss me off, especially when studios do it jsut because half the people out there are stupid and illiterate and won't watch something good just because it has subtitles

ok, nice, then you'll get to see some of stockholm's suburbs as well :) but yeah, it's good, a bit overrated perhaps. it's not really a horror movie though.
Luckily I saw that for free. It was more hilarious than creepy...especially that buttfuck ending.

Yeah, I really hated the ending too.
It had a pretty decent slow-burn kind of a feel to it with each progressive scene getting a little more pronounced than the last. And up until the end, it all felt pretty realistic to me. Total shit Hollywood ending, though...pulled me right out of it.

Other than that, it was a fun movie....but the hype is getting stupid. People are way too desperate for another Blair Witch (which also didnt deserve the hype).
It was fuckin' hollywood as hell.
I thought most of the movie did a great job of grounding it in reality. Because nothing was really ever shown and the subtle way they handled the chills, it really helped that suspension of disbelief. Parts like when she was just standing over by her boyfriend for 3 hours, and the footsteps in the talcum powder were great! It really made you feel like something was "there", even though it's obviously just a movie. A lot of cinema verite' movies really fuck up the aspect of feeling real and they forget about little things and constantly make the viewers say "Oh, come on...they wouldn't be holding the camera right there", so I was really impressed with the way they handled the majority of the movie.
Then in the las 3 minutes, they completely fuck it up by having the chick crawl around like she was in the Ring and grin at the camera. They might as well have had her wink at you, it was just far more "directed" than anything else in the movie and it totally pulled me out of it. Just not a good taste left in my mouth after a mostly enjoyable movie.

I didn't HATE the movie at all...I had a fun time. But I wish they had chosen something different for the ending.
Oh, Thats the alternative ending and i can imagine it would ruin it.
I only saw the original ending, its more simple and it totally keeps on track with the rest of the movie, not gonna spoil it for you if you havent seen it. :)