The Horror Movie thread

just saw the halloween remake again. i forgot how much i liked it. michael myers just strangling that janitor "i was good to you mikey......i was good to you". chilling. seeing it in theatres the first time was a treat.

then again, i have no nostalgia for the first one, saw it once like 6 years ago, never really left an impression, i dont even remember it (aside from my friends and i joking MM was on hydrolics, cause he always made this WHIRRRRRRRRRRR sound when he appeared). it wasnt bad i just, never found myself wanting to see it again. i wouldnt hcnage the channel if it was on tv though
saw The Grey the other day, very intense movie, i recommend. But i know you faggets will only play Diablo for the next 3 months
just saw the halloween remake again. i forgot how much i liked it. michael myers just strangling that janitor "i was good to you mikey......i was good to you". chilling. seeing it in theatres the first time was a treat.

then again, i have no nostalgia for the first one, saw it once like 6 years ago, never really left an impression, i dont even remember it (aside from my friends and i joking MM was on hydrolics, cause he always made this WHIRRRRRRRRRRR sound when he appeared). it wasnt bad i just, never found myself wanting to see it again. i wouldnt hcnage the channel if it was on tv though

i always found halloween to be the most "slow" of the classics. The remakes are good.
saw The Grey the other day, very intense movie, i recommend. But i know you faggets will only play Diablo for the next 3 months


i always found halloween to be the most "slow" of the classics. The remakes are good.

yeah i liked the remakes. they are kinda slow, i guess suspense doesnt work when you arent scared :lol:

First Creepshow is excellent. One of my favorite horror stories/ flicks.

always meant to see that, and never did :(
yeah i was afraid it would be shit too, but Liam Neeson remains fucking badass
I really hate the scenes in the halloween remake where he kills danny trejo and the big nig.

Oh I have to show how big and strong Michael Myers is. Lets show him killing two big tough guys. He wasnt a tank in the old movies. He was just fucking unkillable. I'm also happier with no explanation for someone being a fucking psychopath, like in American Psycho.
Double post. oh well.

I guess I'm saying that I didnt like Rob Zombie trying to rationalize Michael Myers' behavior, when there was obviously something supernatural about him in the series.
I heard Prometheus was quite good, and I have not heard that many bad things on the critic side of things either. I'm still going to see it regardless