The Horror Movie thread

thats funny you mention it vikk, i watched it like last month, even better than i remember it. (which doesnt say much as i didnt even rememebr george clooney was in it :lol:)
People act like vampire movies being awful is a new thing.
They have always sucked with RARE exceptions.

The only one I have seen recently that has been decent was Stakeland. And even then it's just because they don't really treat them like Vampires. More like zombies with the hold post-apocalyptic angle.

Give me Martin over most of the shit that comes out anyday.
i need more help lol a friend is searching for a movie. According to him, the movie is a bunch of people, maybe 2 couples that are in some in search for some money, and by the end of the money, everyone dies, they are in a puddle of blood, and the money is beneath the blood or something, there is also some decaptation, some limbs going off, etc

it was original, and managed to be pretty revolting and disturbing without being very gory. cant say theres a movie out there quite like it. that being said, saying its "great" is pretty subjective XD.

think im gonna bust out the horror movies soon, lets get a discussion going, anyone looking forward to anything? a movie youve been dying to see again