The Horror Movie thread

Watching Mitt Romney speak is like watching the creature from The Thing. Constantly transforming and tricking everyone into believing he is just "one of us". I really hope you Americans on here intend to vote, don't let that nutjob fuck things up even worse! I'm making the assumption everyone on here is intelligent enough to see through Romney.

So anyways I'm going to watch The Thing... Again. I don't know why but that movie (and the prequel to some extent) never gets boring. I can watch it over and over. Then I'm going to watch the Presidential Debate so I can see what the Thing ended up doing after the films:)

Dude, I've seen the original "The Thing" a hundred times in the last 7 years. At least. Probably Carpenter's best work.
Watching Mitt Romney speak is like watching the creature from The Thing. Constantly transforming and tricking everyone into believing he is just "one of us". I really hope you Americans on here intend to vote, don't let that nutjob fuck things up even worse! I'm making the assumption everyone on here is intelligent enough to see through Romney.

seriously creeped out and a little scared by the fact that there's actually people that are actually going to get up and vote for Romney
Actually there is a very good chance he might win, especially with voter suppression going on. To me it seems that when you have one party intentionally trying to stop people from voting, and another that is desperately tying to make sure EVERYONE gets a vote it should be obvious which is the more honest and popular party. There is a reason Republicans don't want you voting and it's because they know they are a huge minority trying to tell the rest of the people how to live.

Anyways that's why I said "you better vote!" when I had a craving to watch The Thing and Romney sprung to mind. It seriously scares me that Mitt Romney has a very good chance of winning and if the suppression deters people or their votes get literally thrown out (like what George Bush did to win) he WILL win.

Seriously, Americans are finally starting to figure out how to get back on track and get basic things most civilized countries figured out decades ago, (healthcare, better education etc) and it's all about to be quashed so rich people can get richer and send their money to other countries. If the money doesn't stay in circulation the economy doesn't recover, it's basic math that almost every economist without an agenda is saying, yet fucking retards keep voting for a party that is against their own interests. All that idiotic spending on wars and 30 year old tax cuts for millionaires (that were CLEARLY made on false premises) needs to be going towards infrastructure and fixing your own country instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing. That shit affects more than just the US.

I have never in my entire life seen a bill from a doctor, whether it was surgery or a broken knuckle. I walk in, I get proper treatment and I walk out a couple hours later without so much as a signature. I can't imagine having to pay thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of dollars to keep myself from dying, or constantly paying enormous insurance premiums that could drop me the second my condition changes. That is essentially giving your paycheck to random people on the street and hoping one day it'll help you survive cancer. We pay a few more taxes instead and the cost of medical care is strictly regulated so we get every dollar back when we need it, unlike private insurance companies that do whatever the hell they want with the money you give them.

Oh and Paul Ryan wanting to privatize social security!? Dude!! It's a perfect credit system with a surplus BECAUSE IT IS REGULATED. Private companies are about profit, they pocket everything they can and give as little return as possible. Fuck!

Damn it! I'm sorry I need to stop talking politics. Sorry people, Horror Movies!

God I can be a douche sometimes so feel free to call me such, but it gets me really worked up, sort of like talking about religion :lol:
Hellraiser has one of my fav horro quotes

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that over the years (since my aunt first insisted i watch it at like 14) has become one of my favorite movies ever. there is just nothing like it, a perfectly original movie
I saw this horror movie recently where one guy repeatedly posted links to his google searches online. There wasn't much for build up, but damn it was chilling.
yeah i could just google search it myself, forums are supposed to save us time.

saw the new silent hill movie.....bad. not the worth thing ive ever seen but it just didnt feel like silent hill. (me and gf are playing through 3, homecoming, downpour and then possibly 2)
Actually there is a very good chance he might win, especially with voter suppression going on. To me it seems that when you have one party intentionally trying to stop people from voting, and another that is desperately tying to make sure EVERYONE gets a vote it should be obvious which is the more honest and popular party. There is a reason Republicans don't want you voting and it's because they know they are a huge minority trying to tell the rest of the people how to live.

Anyways that's why I said "you better vote!" when I had a craving to watch The Thing and Romney sprung to mind. It seriously scares me that Mitt Romney has a very good chance of winning and if the suppression deters people or their votes get literally thrown out (like what George Bush did to win) he WILL win.

Seriously, Americans are finally starting to figure out how to get back on track and get basic things most civilized countries figured out decades ago, (healthcare, better education etc) and it's all about to be quashed so rich people can get richer and send their money to other countries. If the money doesn't stay in circulation the economy doesn't recover, it's basic math that almost every economist without an agenda is saying, yet fucking retards keep voting for a party that is against their own interests. All that idiotic spending on wars and 30 year old tax cuts for millionaires (that were CLEARLY made on false premises) needs to be going towards infrastructure and fixing your own country instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing. That shit affects more than just the US.

I have never in my entire life seen a bill from a doctor, whether it was surgery or a broken knuckle. I walk in, I get proper treatment and I walk out a couple hours later without so much as a signature. I can't imagine having to pay thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of dollars to keep myself from dying, or constantly paying enormous insurance premiums that could drop me the second my condition changes. That is essentially giving your paycheck to random people on the street and hoping one day it'll help you survive cancer. We pay a few more taxes instead and the cost of medical care is strictly regulated so we get every dollar back when we need it, unlike private insurance companies that do whatever the hell they want with the money you give them.

Oh and Paul Ryan wanting to privatize social security!? Dude!! It's a perfect credit system with a surplus BECAUSE IT IS REGULATED. Private companies are about profit, they pocket everything they can and give as little return as possible. Fuck!

Damn it! I'm sorry I need to stop talking politics. Sorry people, Horror Movies!

God I can be a douche sometimes so feel free to call me such, but it gets me really worked up, sort of like talking about religion :lol:

now that the election is over, we can stop talking about politics for a while, i guess
lol that post is from like 4 weeks ago...

met a guy last night who said "horror movies are such BS today, you cant just jump out and flash some lights for it to be scary". thinking i met someone who knew something about it i asked what he thought was a good horror movie(nothing better than something in common :D) "none, theyre all stupid and all just jump out at you for a scare"

lol then he said the exorcist was "stupid religious crap" and told us about how he rented the evil dead just to laugh at. i was a person talk about things......they clearly have set out just to ridicule or know nothing about :lol:. its like saying the mona lisa is crap cause she aint even smilin.

and its how i feel when talking about politics :lol:, so i like to colour my 2 cents with "i dont know shit :p"
lol that post is from like 4 weeks ago...

met a guy last night who said "horror movies are such BS today, you cant just jump out and flash some lights for it to be scary". thinking i met someone who knew something about it i asked what he thought was a good horror movie(nothing better than something in common :D) "none, theyre all stupid and all just jump out at you for a scare"

lol then he said the exorcist was "stupid religious crap" and told us about how he rented the evil dead just to laugh at. i was a person talk about things......they clearly have set out just to ridicule or know nothing about :lol:. its like saying the mona lisa is crap cause she aint even smilin.

and its how i feel when talking about politics :lol:, so i like to colour my 2 cents with "i dont know shit :p"

well, you kinda seemed to know alot about AMERICAN politics for someone that's NOT IN AMERICA,
the election's over, and i can't really say Obama is awesome, Obama getting a second term was definately way better than Romney getting into office
what scared me about this election was just the fact that anyone at all voted for him, like seriously, how the fuck did anyone at all think romney being president was going to turn out good, how did that happen?? are americans really that stupid?
maybe i should just stay in Texas when it secedes from america