The Horror Movie thread

now that the election is over, we can stop talking about politics for a while, i guess

the election is over

well, you kinda seemed to know alot about AMERICAN politics for someone that's NOT IN AMERICA,
the election's over, and i can't really say Obama is awesome, Obama getting a second term was definately way better than Romney getting into office
what scared me about this election was just the fact that anyone at all voted for him, like seriously, how the fuck did anyone at all think romney being president was going to turn out good, how did that happen?? are americans really that stupid?
maybe i should just stay in Texas when it secedes from america

y u talk politics
I actually really enjoy Drag Me To Hell, but I like his flicks the majority of the time.

Midnight meat train would of been an alright flick but that ending pissed me off at how randomly and pointless it was.
I liked midnight meat train. The ending was a Cthulu tie in. More explanation would be good but there was supposed to be a purpose to it. It was supposed wrap up the film but for some reason they left it vague and for the viewer to interpret
nice, cant wait to see prometheus.

DMtH was just, i dunno, it wasnt scary or original, and it wasted no oppurtunity to attempt to be funny. weve all seen the evil dead, make a new movie sam.

MMT was confusing at the end haha, i liked that it wasnt just bullet tooth tony killing people. cant explain why but i liked where it went haha, may have been totally forgettable without that last piece of "...wait what?". more movies today, not sure what ill start with
What the actual fuck, American Psycho is only 12 years old. Why is it being remade already? Hollywood has finally reached a state of inactivity.
I don't see WHY it needs a remake. It's still up to date and relevant, and this new one is supposed to be a lower budget so it will likely have shitty stock-horror actors trying to fill the shoes of a pretty good performance by Batman.
yeah i actually saw it last year, its not dated in the least. plus...who gonna do a better job than christian bale. guy might be a bit of a prick but apparently that translates well into the character :lol:
Rob Zombie has an interesting style, but I never was much for his movies. As for Martyrs, I've never seen it. What did you like about it?

I don't see WHY it needs a remake. It's still up to date and relevant, and this new one is supposed to be a lower budget so it will likely have shitty stock-horror actors trying to fill the shoes of a pretty good performance by Batman.

It doesn't need a remake :lol: It's not like these other remakes, where there have been amazing technological advancements since their initial release (which is even a poor excuse in most, if not all, cases). I can't imagine they'll be able to spin the Patrick Bateman character better than Bale did it.

On the topic of remakes that I WILL see....Evil Dead anyone?
Martyrs was disappointing imo, people love it because the gore, but i didn't care much for the ending

I didn't find Prometheus to be much of a mystery overall but it definitely raises many questions. For example, I was left with many more questions about the origins of the Xenomorph (the Aliens from Alien trilogy) than I was when I went into the movie. However I'm pretty sure that Ridley Scott raised those questions on purpose(likely for a sequel), but the overall plot of the movie was fairly straight forward and there was not much in the way of twists or anything.

My main question, is what exactly is the Black Goo, and how did it lead to the chain of events in the movie. It seems that the Black Goo is some sort of aggression/evolutionary accelerant. Everything it touched was mutated into something bigger, stronger and more aggressive, and once that base creature had "evolved" into a monster version of itself, it would attempt to take a host and combine their DNA to create an entirely new and deadly creature. For example, that squid thing that came out of Shaw I would assume was an infected sperm from Holloway (from David putting the Black liquid in his drink) that grew inside her, and once it matured it attacked and impregnated the Engineer to create some sort of Xenomorph progenitor. A little bit like ta masculine version of the usual Egg>Facehugger>Human host>Alien evolution chain (Beginning at a sperm instead of egg... This might be way off I'm speculating here).

The Black Liquid seems to be a "weaponizing substance", it forces unnatural evolution and crosses DNA to make a bigger, more powerful weapon that spreads like a contagion, thus eliminating virtually any life it would come into contact with by making it essentially destroy itself. Even the birth of each new creature requires the death of the old host making it a hell of a genocidal weapon. It's almost parasitic if it wasn't for the killing of its host which parasites typically don't do.

There is also those Cave worm things that attacked the Geologist and the other guy. They were drowned in the Black liquid, and went from earthworm size to huge, pissed off and dangerous snake things(that interestingly had the acid blood quality of a Xenomorph). I'm not certain what happened to the guy that got the cave worm thing down his throat but it was badly injured and I assumed they both died before he was made host. The Geologist however got exposed to heavy amounts of the Black Goo and he began a rapid transformation into something that was once again insanely powerful and unrelenting much like a Xenomorph actually.

Which brings me to the last thing, the creature seen at the end. It looked a LOT like a Xenomorph but was created by a different chain of circumstances than a standard Xenomorph. I would assume the Xenomorph thing is the final stage of whatever that Black Goo was. After several stages of evolution a final host is found, and from there the infusion of the Black Goo combine with the DNA of Holloway (and his infected sperm), Shaw, and finally the Engineer leads to the creation of a Xenomorph. It would look different because the chain of evolution started with an infected Human, but I suspect the original Xenomorphs were spawned by something different before they came into contact with humans so it came out a bit different.

Am I looking into this too much? :lol:

Either way I loved the movie, and those Engineer's are badass. They are so fucking strong they almost nullify the threat of the Xenomorph aliens themselves.

There was also the question of whether the Engineers started all intelligent life, or if the one at the beginning that seeded the waterfall was just on earth. Also why did they leave a starmap for us to find them if they had intended to wipe out the planet. Early into the movie I was thinking they left us as descendants for a pure DNA sample to revive their own race should they die out, and the starmap would lead us to them to start the revival but that was quashed when I saw the violent intent.

So yeah having questions is very justified :lol:. Even if the plot basics are simple the actual details raise many questions I'm hoping the sequel will get into.
It had some good parts, and a good idea for a plot, but overall there were too many nuances that got under my skin to fully enjoy Prometheus.
A bunch of a little things. Character reaction to different situations, etc. The epic scene with *SPOILERSNSHIZ***************************************************** the improv c-section and afterwards it was like it didn't happen at all, complete dismal of what obviously had occurred by other characters, along with her roaming the planet and ships immediately afterwards. The lack of follow through on building up a couple characters, and a few things the audience is forced to accept a lack of explanation for.