The Horror Movie thread

There are a handful of decent-good Lovecraft adaptations, but I do wish there was one or two really good movies that was directly in the Cthulhu mythos. Lovecraft inspired a lot of great horror writers and artwork as well with his Cthulhu universe but I don't know of many stand out movies.
There are a couple dealing with the Cthulhu mythos that I've heard of, but I'm sure if they're worth viewing.

The second one is derived from 'The Call Of Cthulhu'.

There are a handful of decent-good Lovecraft adaptations, but I do wish there was one or two really good movies that was directly in the Cthulhu mythos. Lovecraft inspired a lot of great horror writers and artwork as well with his Cthulhu universe but I don't know of many stand out movies.

i found it weird not to have a "big" or even cult about it.
new Evil Dead might not suck after all, looks pretty good actually

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please man, don't ruin Evil Dead for me. I beg you to refrain yourself from this thread
New Evil dead looks fairly decent.

And this is from a staunch anti-remake guy.
The fact that they aren't including the Ash character is actually what makes me interested.
They aren't even trying to match Bruce Campbell and the first movie isn't so centered around him anyway, so that is just fine.

Movies are sorely lacking in the super gorey practical effects department these days and from the trailer I saw of this remake, it looks like a fun ride.
New Evil dead looks fairly decent.

And this is from a staunch anti-remake guy.
The fact that they aren't including the Ash character is actually what makes me interested.
They aren't even trying to match Bruce Campbell and the first movie isn't so centered around him anyway, so that is just fine.

They've always kind of tied the movies together oddly.
From the original to the sequel, the premise is pretty much the same but still not the same story line.

Group of friends go to cabin, find tape recorder
Ash and gf go to the cabin

Hell the third movie SHOULD BE exactly where the second movie ends, but instead of worshipping him right off the bat, they beat his ass and distrust him.

I've also never understood why Ash could fight off the demon inside himself when no one else could, until (I think) it actually manifests itself in the flesh in Army of Darkenss.

But anyway, I'm getting off target here. Definitely looking forward to it.

Also, monoxide child, everyone hates you. accept it.
New Evil dead looks fairly decent.

And this is from a staunch anti-remake guy.
The fact that they aren't including the Ash character is actually what makes me interested.
They aren't even trying to match Bruce Campbell and the first movie isn't so centered around him anyway, so that is just fine.

Movies are sorely lacking in the super gorey practical effects department these days and from the trailer I saw of this remake, it looks like a fun ride.

i always try to limit the information i hear before its out when im excited for it haha. ill watch a trailer maybe. but hearing there is no ash is amazing, literally no one could replace bruce (although i would accept old bruce of today as ash, not even an older man, old bruce playing young ash.)

anyone else wonder how they'll end it? to quote my friend "i hope they end it just like 2, simply for the absurdity of it"

let me guess
you didn't read the link either, did you??

i think given the recent quality no one is interested. could be yet another link to gigiantic women, or girls eating tampons, in fact if someone told me it was just pictures of dogs fucking, i would believe them...


site unseen
They've always kind of tied the movies together oddly.
From the original to the sequel, the premise is pretty much the same but still not the same story line.

Yeah, between ED1 and ED2, it makes just have to understand the reasoning. A lot of people even think Evil Dead 2 is a full blown remake and that isn't true.
You can actually see where Evil Dead 1 ends and the sequel begins at about 20-30 mins into Evil Dead 2 (i.e. where Ash is being taken by the evil and flying through the trees). After that, it's full blown sequel.
They just did that so they could re-tell Evil Dead 1 and not have to worry about the rest of the characters from the first movie. So they omit them all (except the girlfriend) and make Ash the star.

But yeah...always hated how ED2 ends and how Army of Darkness begins. It's like they just forgot how they ended it and decided to do it differently.
I love em all for what they are. I loved AoD when I was younger but I just hate the skeletons nowdays, can barely watch it. :(

Trailer looks awesome, but ED without Ash is just going to feel weird. Ash is ED in a sense. But they are defenitely making the right choise anyway since no one can top Campbells performance as Ash. This will be the first horror movie I see at the cinema since Scream 1.