The Horror Movie thread

this movie is pretty interesting, it was filmed in a single continuous shot.
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i liked saw. to me it felt more like a tv series like dexter, than a long drawn out movie series like say hellraiser or friday the 13th. dont get me wrong those are some of my favorite movies but past the first few theyre mostly garbage XD
The Saw movies were fucking enjoyable as shit and I say that with great confidence in my opinion.
The reason why is because in the 80s - you know, when horror movies were actually fun as shit and didn't always need to be so fucking serious - it was all about making a yearly franchise that people could expect every year.

They were rarely "great" movies, but they created a legacy of movies that are absolutely fantastic to marathon. Jason? Freddy? Michael Myers? Fucking legends, but I think most people would agree only about 20% of those movies of those respective characters are actually "good/great movies". The rest are just excuses to kill people and show tits. And in horror fandom, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. There are so many goddamn whiny pseudo-horror fans that love to pan movies like Hostel or Saw because they are big budget and mainstream or, god forbid, bad movies. But if it were the 80's, people would be drooling in their seats to see a Jason or Freddy movie with even half of the care that went into the Saw flicks. Who gives a shit if they are bad movies?

Every Halloween we had a new Saw movie. Some were legitimately good (the first few), most were laughable at best, but at least they tried to tie it all together in some fashion. And the gore was ALWAYS top fucking notch.

So fuck yeah I miss the Saw movies. All we have left now for yearly horror is Paranormal Activity? Fucking seriously? That series ran out of steam 30 minutes into the first movie and somehow they are still milking it. We need a movie like Saw to deliver quality gore year after year and for a LONG time (i.e. the 90s) there just wasn't one. And there isn't now, either. It's sad.
^thats another reason i liked saw. me and some buddies would go every year and you were garenteed a few gory scenes and a familiar story. dont need to learn all their names and they werent scary.

i never got to do that being a kind in the 90s, so looking back i enjoy a handful of those respective movies. id sit down and watch spike tvs full 12 hour marathon of friday the 13th but after about 4 id take a break :lol:. same idea. im not gonna say saw 4,5,6 were great movies, i hardly remember them.
My favorite is Saw but I'm also into Nightmare on Elm Street. I like how Freddy can be scary and humorous at the same time!