The Jester Race

Some people don't make sense....

I never saw why Moonshield was regarded as the best IF song by some... Artifacts, TJR, December Flower, Wayfareer, and Dead God In Me are all better than it...
The thing is.. people have different tastes in music. The reason why I don't like TJR or Moonshield as much as for instance December flower or Dead god in me is that the first two are based on a lot of simple power chords with melodies, whereas the latter have a little more thought out structure. They don't one guitar playing a melody, but rather have melodic riffs. But I understand that some people like the melodies in Moonshield.

I don't know if I can explain why some people disagree with you on which songs are good or not, but I have a feeling that you understand. Right?
I understand what you're saying...

I know I'll get a mob of murderous fans stalking me for this, but I also think Dead Eternity is overrated.
Don't worry.. I'll distract the angry mob by saying:

I seriously dislike Only for the weak. Pinball map ain't much better IMO.
Embody the invisible is one of the most annoying songs stuck in my head right now. What else? Oh yeah.. and I don't think Anders is much of a vocalist.

No but seriously.. what do you dislike about Dead eternity (if anything)?
I thought I'd try to have one of those... discussions for a change :)
Myself, I prefer the demo to the TJR version because I think Jocke Göthberg's vocals fit the music better. Other than that I just simply think that it's one of the best song on TJR. I however think the titletrack, Artifacts and Moonshield are overrated.. but more about that some other time.. if anyone is interested ;)
But on the other hand.. I shouldn't use overrated in this case.. because I understand why people like these songs. They are catchy and have cool melodies and all. It's just that I prefer another style of riffwriting.
Dead Eternity just doesn't seem as good as the other never heard anythign that made me remember the song being so muc hbetter than any other song, and I've listened to the album at least 1000 times.