the JOKE thread

Bambi said:
the three wise men didnt travel that distance to go "aaahh a wickle babby! how cuute!",
well i think they did anyway, though it wasn't the reason of their travel.
what do you think? that LBJ was an ugly little bastard??? no way!
his cuteness is irrelevant, but i can see now why all the apostles and wise men were blokes. berds would see the son of GOD and go "awww hes sooo cute, wisnt he?? ooohhh" and then go outside and make catty remarks to each other about the state mary had left the stable in :hypno:
2 Gays are at a carnival and one goes up on the ferris wheel. After about 5 minutes the wheel crashes to the ground with everybody on it. The gay man on the ground runs over and find his boyfriend and asks
"are you alright???"
To which the other replies

"No im not alright, the wheel went round twice and you only waved once"
eww I just heard it from dad:
A blondie is walking besides the riverbank, on the other side she notices another of that kind, and shouts out: "Could you please tell me how can I get to the other side of the river?" The other blondie looks around and shouts back: "...but you're already there, aren't you?"

Do I dare
Disturb the universe?
In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.