the last one for life. which is it?

I wouldn't waste time listening to a fucking album -- I'd say heartbreaking goodbyes to the people around me.
yes, mehdi, i know it's not hard to steel someones avatar. i'm no good with computers but not THAT bad either.

still, i don't see the point in it! and don't tell me it's all just for fun!
i didn't know there was a thread like this..

i myself thought about the pills idea, but let's put all this in another context - not if some1 TOLD you, but that you KNEW that your time had come. and don't mean right now, in our 20s, 30s and so, i mean in 20-30 years from now.

I wouldn't spend my last 60 minutes listening to music, really. I'd rather do something useful and interesting like watching half a football match. To take a nap is an interesting alternative too.