What is it about some of those albums....

LuminousAether said:
And to the jackass that listed Sigur Ros' ( ) piece of shit... you can't count that as it hasn't even been out for a year yet. Oh wait... you also listed Lateralus, you are hopeless.
Hahaaaaahaha, you're doing this on purpose right? Anyway, thanks mate for the good laughs you always give me. You fucking PIECE OF SHIT.
Cerulean said:
Hahaaaaahaha, you're doing this on purpose right? Anyway, thanks mate for the good laughs you always give me. You fucking PIECE OF SHIT.

I may be a piece of shit, but at least I'm not a trendwhore.

Oh, by the way, I think the new Ephel Duath is a timeless classic that I will never tire of because I've had it for a few weeks now and I'm still not bored! Doesn't that make sense!!! No... it fucking doesn't.
now, now, be polite to luminous aetwhore, he's the only troll we have. We should lavish care on him and hope that he will amuse us forver with his frolics. Bless.
LuminousAether said:
99.99999% of Tool fans are trendwhores. It is a simple fact, and one that cannot be ignored. Tool is probably the trendiest rock band so far this decade.
Look mister know-it-all, I'm NOT a trendwhore, I can tell you that. I hate trends ffs. But if you say that Tool is a trend, than so it be, but that won't prevent me from listening to the music I like. And I do like Lateralus, it's a genious album imo, I don't CARE if you see me as a trendwhore just for having that opinion.
Gorik = trendwhore? I really doubt about that...
Do you know that the biggest trend now is to bash everything, just to seem a bit "special",and out of trend?!
You know man, I listen to more bands than you even think, from Linkin Park to Hate Eternal, from King Crimson to Darkthrone, from The dillinger escape plan to Aerosmith, from Paradise Lost to Cephalic Carnage, etc.... And I'm really proud of it!

I think you must be really bored in life, or frustrated... OPEN MINDS WILL DOMINATE!!!
my latest purchases were
gorrilaz - geep
radiohead - my iron lung
and jamiroquai - travelling without moving

here ya go :)
only a few days for the new radiohead... i'm drooling...

by the way, anybody interested in radiohead should check this amazing fan-site. it gets updated several times each day!

To give credit to LA...

To give credit to LA...


To give credit to LA...

Fuck, I had something in mind but I forgot :erk: Bloody slow UM :D

I also listen to pretty trendy bands, Linkin Park and Tool included. What does that mean? *lame*

Actually, if I look at the bands and performers I listen to, all of them are pretty trendy. Except for some of the Hungariyans maybe.

I just realized this post has no sense whatsoever. Well, *such a perfect day* :Spin:

Take it easy, LuminousEater, we all love you :)
cedarbreed said:
Are you sure about that Dhatura ? :erk:
Well I'll make an effort not to be trendy enough to hate him then!

It was being ironic, of course, feel as you wish to feel.

But let me tell you this lil boring story: a couple of months ago I was really pissed off with life, and then I got broadband. I was so happy I spent a whole weekend on the net (it may be sick, I don't care any more). I entered a Hungarian forum and found a thread ("What's your favourite song right now?") and posted a lot on it during that weekend. Although I was talking about music there all the way, and there was also another guy with whom I was sort of "talking", so I wasn't the only culprit, the "owners" of the thread (well, those who've been posting there forever) still told me to fuck off. I cannot understand such an attitude, you know, why bother about other people's bullshit? I didn't hurt anyone's feelings but they did hurt mine, even though it was "only" online (you can say that too, it's only the internet, not real life, but a lot of real life connections are made with the help of it *smartass Dhat. :)*). So my point is that I'd never hate anyone because he says I'm listening to trendy shit. Who the fuck cares??? I'd rather love people than hate them. That's much easier :p
Yop !

I pretty agree with everything you said though I think it's easier to hate than to love. Anyway, I don't hate that guy, or should I say that nick. I was honest in the other thread when I said I 'loved' him. It's always a great moment of fun when he posts here. I never really hated anyone on the internet as far as I remember, I take that shit way too 'unseriously' to get mad at anyone. Look ,for instance, the boy Mehdi and I spent months calling each other names on Internet before he realized he was unconsciously in love with me :cool: ( tiens d'ailleurs donnes un peu des nouvelles espèce de cochon gras ! )
I know a guy who used to get so angry on the Internet, he had given another guy a rendez-vous to have a fistfight haha ! Crazy fuckers ...