The latest Iced Earth CD


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Was there a thread here on this? I'm considering giving it a shot, but thought I'd look for opinions first. I have been checking out some samples and am kind of surprised by how intrigued I am.

I have owned several IE albums (the Spawn one, Horror Show, Something Wicked), but kind of gave up on them because it was usually same-y, and to be frank, John's patriotism thing kinda bugged me in a, "don't tread on me," kind of way. Just not my thing.

All that said, again, I like what I hear. Oh, I had Alive in Athens too, which I thought was at least pretty good.

Do tell....?
Okay, well, that's no surprise I suppose. It's not like it's a million dollars or anything, but I'm waffling on picking it up since I don't like to have drek in the collection. I'm still thinking on it...maybe if I see an used copy.
Framing Armageddon? Haven't heard it, and I don't think I plan on going out of my way to get it; if the recent mutilation of the Something Wicked trilogy (Overture of the Wicked) are any hint as to what the album's like, I don't think I'll enjoy it anyway.
It's a great album, Owens vocals are top notch and sadly Jon sent everything to hell rehiring Paul Stanley..err Matt Barlow.

I'm not a fan of IE but “Framing Armageddon (something wicked part 1)” is a fine slab now #7 on my top ten. I recommend it not only to IE fans but to metal fans in general.

NP: Heavy Load - 'Saturday Night'
I've had it but have yet to hear it all the way through. I was listening to it on the road, a ballad came on, and I lost interest. IE ballads seem so thin and insincere to me but I've always been a fan of Jon's riffing.

Anyway, I actually keep forgetting I have it since it got put away. I'll have to dig it out and give it a go.

Wiz, I think you're missing their two best albums: Night of the Stormrider and Burnt Offerings.