the love thread

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I love laughing at the band six feet under

"Crack my skull inside my head once alive now braindead
Stick a needle in my skin- I can't feel a fucking thing
I can't control the way I have lived through the horror the terror the murders
Tap the vein and let it flow, slow
Inside my heart, cold and hollow
I feel no remorse
My heart beats but I think I'm deceased
Braindead time to pull the plug
Braindead I feel no love
Braindead you've stopped breathin
Braindead I'm hunting humans this season"

Yeah, I just had a can of chili :kickass:

Fart is an English word which refers to the rapid evacuation of gases from the lower intestine through the anus which may result in an audible sound and followed by a foul odour due to components such as skatole, indole, and sulfurous compounds.[1]

The word is generally considered mildly offensive and unsuitable in a formal environment by modern English speakers, though conservative locales may consider it vulgar or offensive. "Fart" can be used as a noun or a verb.
I still think it's duly overrated. Fun as hell, but derivative as hell and undeserving of its godlike status. Worship the Quake series instead. Without it, you'd have no precious Halo. :Smug:

Ha, I thought Halo(I've only played the first) was quite a bore. I loved those little screaming aliens, though:lol:
Tron 2.0 is such an underrated shooter. I'm replaying it right now after a four years break, and it's so much fun. I'm also currently really enjoying Painkiller-it's straight-forward and simple but quite a compelling shooter.

On the adventure front: Can't wait to play the sequel to Sam&Max. Ah, that game takes me back.
On the adventure front: Can't wait to play the sequel to Sam&Max. Ah, that game takes me back.

The original was brilliant. One of only a few genuinely funny games I've played. I read a review of the new one and apparantly it's not that great, but we'll see how it goes once it gets into it's stride when more episodes come out.
The original was brilliant. One of only a few genuinely funny games I've played. I read a review of the new one and apparantly it's not that great, but we'll see how it goes once it gets into it's stride when more episodes come out.
If only they'd consider making a sequel for Day of theTentacle:worship:
Apparently, the next installment of Full Throttle was also in the works but they terminated the project:mad:

And Shiny sold out with the abysmal Matrix instead of making the next Sacrifice title... ah but some things are just not meant to be
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