the love thread

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you never know

I say never give up if you are a serious musician. I am pretty young and hope to have a career in music regardless if metal or not. I would think once you are a competent enough musician having the right influences you would have a 50/50 chance. I try to play my guitar atrleast 2,3 hours a day which is probably not enough but oh well.
I love my own interest of music.
I love my own interest of Metal music.
I love being a guy not interested in female people.
I love certain FPS games.
I love Jackson/Charvel guitars
I love motorcycles.
I love European cars.
I love certain martial arts.
I love the part in dissection Black Horizons that goes.


aaahhhhhhhhh aaaahhhh aahhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhh

aaaaaaaaahhhhh aaahhh aahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhh
No, I'm not saying that but alot of the people I see working out are so selfabsorbed and selfconcious about how they look, so it often does carry that.
Because obviously working out means you're uncomfortable with your appearance.
Kinda sorta. When I was 14, I was 140 lbs at 6'0. I hated being a wimp. So I hit the gym hard, and since I was 16, have been for the most part been on the muscular side, compared to the average guy. Since then, there have been times where I wasn't that big after having lost some weight/muscle for various reasons, and I felt no different.
I don't lift. I do push ups sits up play my guitar masterbate drink juice and it works out for me.

A good jerk off session and 2,3 hours of guitar playing a day is enough to keep your arms toned,etc... I don't need to be musculer or take steriods and shrink my penis.
Water is like anti-lube so if you want to get a good arm work out shower masterbation should cover that.
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